MioKontic:Scott - I'm not sure which comma you are referring to, but I don't think that last comma is necessary, although possibly not incorrect either.
My apologies Mio, I was referring to the second comma which Steff added in later. When she first posted it, I didn't understand what she meant, as I never said, "He will come", as that was my initial interpretation of it. But when she added the second comma, then it made more sense, to me anyway. But I did do quite poorly at English at school, so my comments may not really be relevant as to how grammatically correct or incorrect Steff's statement was.
MioKontic:I read that book many years ago. Didn't realise it only came out in 2003; I thought I read it before then, but I guess I couldn't have!
I hope you enjoyed it. I haven't read the book myself, perhaps I should. I only heard the title quoted a little while ago and thought how clever it was, which probably reflects on my poor education. 8 )
@WGTShamWow, thanks for that, lol. Now I have to work out what an Oxford comma is, and where I should or should not be using that. : ))