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Re: driver and extra distance

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jun 19 2024 3:03 PM (7 replies)
  • BMX123
    631 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2024 6:40 PM

    Just returned to the game and I have the 291 driver and reached level 5 hat for distance but I never really tried to earn anything (hat levels) on my own because I don't understand the paths to earning higher level hats. I was told there are 2 hats. Can someone explain the fastest or most effective way to gain distance on the driver only?  

  • Duphpherer
    490 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2024 7:32 PM

    Play the highest rated coin game you're comfortable with and select SE as sponsor. Over and over and over under sponsored time until you achieve level 10 on the SE hat. 

  • BMX123
    631 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2024 11:13 PM

    right to the point - thank you - but in order to get coins you earn them (slowly I assume) or buy them (cash quickly) and then risk it that I am going beat someone in match play in the coin room at high stakes to get my hat to level 10 and longest driver.

    Seems like a lot cash and months if not over a year?


    All I want is a big driver and no other changes to my irons  

  • BlackBogey
    644 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2024 11:38 PM


    right to the point - thank you - but in order to get coins you earn them (slowly I assume) or buy them (cash quickly) and then risk it that I am going beat someone in match play in the coin room at high stakes to get my hat to level 10 and longest driver.

    Seems like a lot cash and months if not over a year?


    All I want is a big driver and no other changes to my irons  

    You can start in the smaller coin rooms and slowly build your "stack".  You are correct, to enter the coin rooms you must pay an entry fee, and if you win you'll get your entry fee back plus about 45%.  One thing you can do to boost your stack more quickly is equip any Top Golf hat, pants and shirt, Rare or Epic Top Golf glove, any Max shoes.  Those apparel items all come with small coin boost % when you win.

    You can keep all of this apparel equipped and still select Swing Edge (SE) as your Sponsor as Duphpherer said.

    And yes, to get to L10 SE hat it will take some time.  I've been back at the game for about 1.5 years after a long break and am still only at L9 on the hat, with another 743 points to go until L10.  I don't play coin games religiously though, so you might be able to get there faster if you play more often.  Occasionally WGT will put the SE hat for "sale" in the Pro Shop, but it's not a great deal and you still aren't going to get there overnight.


    **edit**  Forgot to say that only 1 Hole coin rooms are Match Play, the 3 and 9 Hole rooms are Aggregate score.

  • BMX123
    631 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2024 11:45 PM

    So, slowly earn coins, and play low stakes and wait multiply years or many times over buy 2.5 million coins for 100 dollars USD and play high stake games in the coin room and risk it and hope I get the level 10 driver in less then a year


  • Duphpherer
    490 Posts
    Wed, Jun 19 2024 8:47 AM

    If you don't enjoy coin rooms/match play, then it will be a long torturous road. I enjoy the quick play coin rooms so the bonus apparel was a ... bonus. Apparel is won during sponsored time win or lose, but winning is literally more rewarding. 

    I see your a champion with an SE hat already at 6, I don't see any problem for you to get to 10 eventually. The apparel bonus is only in effect during play that allows apparel to be worn. 

  • Avinashokka
    1,065 Posts
    Wed, Jun 19 2024 3:03 PM

    Also, the incremental gains between levels decrease as the levels increase. You are probably going to see maybe only a 5 or 6 yard increase between your current driving distance and your maximum distance achievable with the hat maxed out. I got about an extra 21yards when my hat maxed out so compare that to what increase you are currently seeing. 

  • BMX123
    631 Posts
    Wed, Jun 19 2024 5:21 PM

    Thank you