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Re: Couple of issues.

Wed, Jul 3 2024 8:53 AM (4 replies)
  • gillian5048
    167 Posts
    Tue, Jul 2 2024 3:46 PM

    My first issue has to do with the wrong club being given to golfer. It is assumed that when on the tee, a driver is selected for the player to use. The other day at Kiawah, my friend was at the tee. The game had placed a lob wedge in her hands much to her surprise - her drive only went 70-80 yards. Would appreciate if WGT could correct the issue.

    My second issue has to do with censoring. As mentioned above my friend was given a lob wedge instead of a driver. When she commented about what had happened, her comment was censored. She tried again as did I. It appeared the word lob had driven AI's ire. The censoring has gotten out of hand when a person cannot even use the name of a club.

    I think over censoring has caused players to leave WGT. No more AI!

  • Duphpherer
    449 Posts
    Tue, Jul 2 2024 4:44 PM

    I too, have been given the wrong club, but it's best to check before each and every shot. Also it's easy to touch the mouse scroll wheel which will change clubs. 

    Chat has been this way for years or since the censoring began. Silly non-vulgar words get redacted all the time. The worst part is the entire message is censored, not just the alleged "bad word". Don't hold your breath on getting a quick fix. 

  • Gustavius11
    582 Posts
    Tue, Jul 2 2024 6:24 PM

    Happened to me too, just check club before striking ball and keep fingers off the mouse wheel as that is the culprit every time

  • ScottHope
    10,214 Posts
    Wed, Jul 3 2024 4:31 AM

    It looks like the censor might be picking up on the letters b and w if they are together.

    Typing any sentence where those letters are adjacent, even separated by a space, underscore, hypen or full stop, appears to result in all the text being censored.

    So whether you type, lob wedge or backrub wellness clinic, it'll get censored.

  • Stlkcdc3
    293 Posts
    Wed, Jul 3 2024 8:53 AM

    WGT always assigns more club than I need, over-club. Must be the setting and intent for newer players and it never changes. 

    WORST part for me is the putting meter. I can play 20 straight holes and the default stays consistent. Then critical time, playing a nice scoring round, the default set me to a distance far different than I have been using and the distance relates. Having a tough 30ft downhill breaking putt on C13 and assuming I am hitting a 13ft power and boom it was 3ft power almost always leads to a 3-putt. Now I have to make a tough 22 ft putt for par.  

    ALL of these issues are my fault, I need to remind myself to slow down and triple check everything before I swing.