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Re: Crazy scores!

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Sat, Dec 26 2009 9:49 AM (7 replies)
  • moemuther
    2 Posts
    Fri, Dec 25 2009 10:01 AM

    I'm pretty new to this game, but is it really possible to shoot a 45 on a hole-in-one challange?  That would be like an average of about 5 per hole.  I think it is impossible, but I've seen crazy scores like this.  Do these players have a cheat code or something?

    701 Posts
    Fri, Dec 25 2009 10:30 AM

    When I joined in mid Oct. the CTTTH  at Kiawah was a mere 33.25,while my first attempt was around 200.I don't know how they do it but I don't think they're cheating.

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Fri, Dec 25 2009 11:14 AM

    I think those CTTH scores are possible. No doubt there are those that have figured out something most of us haven't.  For example, I came to this game in May and play much better now than I did then.  I was highly skeptical, especially of the stroke play scores, and have now exceeded what I thought was impossible.  I believe there is also a lot of luck involved in CTTH and never underestimate what can be accomplished with a lot of stick other words, the more we play, the better our chances of putting together 9 holes without messing up.  I have recorded scores in the low 60's and always felt like I left a few shots out there.  Although I like CTTH challenges, I get bored in an hour...who knows what is possible if we played all day (smile).


  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Fri, Dec 25 2009 11:42 AM

    Myself and some others have been playing CTTH competitions on WGT in some shape or form for 2+ years now.  Trust me, very low scores are possible on all the courses.  It takes knowing your clubs, the shots at hand, and getting a little luck to boot.

  • Whogolf
    78 Posts
    Sat, Dec 26 2009 8:21 AM

    On Wolf  Creek closest to the hole challenge, I found out, on the second hole by moving the flag a quarter of an inch to the right I can hole it or get close every time {unless my timing  is way off that day). I use a taylor z wedge with 98 yard capacity. Hit it about 93 yds and if i`m a little left, right, or hit the ding i`m always a few feet at most from the hole. I have gotten bout 15 holes in one there, no matter which side of the ding I hit.. Now if I could only find a way like that with all the other 100 holes i`d be good. lol These guys have found the secret way for all the holes. P>S and it don`t matter what way the wind is blowing



  • TarheelsRule
    5,611 Posts
    Sat, Dec 26 2009 9:28 AM

    While I don['t know if I will ever achieve one of the top CTTH scores, I can see how they are possible.  I played the Kiawah CTTH competetion the other day 7 or 8 times in a row and I could see that if you took notes of where the club speed should stop, the amount to be aimed left or right, etc. you could get very close every time.  I don't have the patience to tdo this but a lot of folks on here do and have these numbers in their head already.

  • Whogolf
    78 Posts
    Sat, Dec 26 2009 9:41 AM

    I was even thinking of marking all the distances of each club on a piece of scotch tape, Then put it on the meter on the monitor with each different club. But to lazy for that :)

  • pillsy
    489 Posts
    Sat, Dec 26 2009 9:49 AM

    on most of the holes, i know EXACTLY what club to use and where to place the shots, how the greens slope, etc.  actually, DOING IT and executing the shot,  however, is another story...