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Re: Tips for Ranking Up.

rated by 0 users
Wed, Dec 7 2011 5:40 AM (4 replies)
  • Noretza
    2 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2011 7:27 PM

    Good evening everybody.  I'm a little confused as to how to properly rank up.  Many times I have ran across people whom are lower level than I am, have a higher average, yet are pro or tour pro.  For example, I just played against a man that was L28, average of 83.4 and Pro.  I can't seem to grasp the concept. What am I doing wrong?


    Thank you for your time,


    PS.... looking for fun/active Country Club

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2011 9:52 PM

    see "changing tiers" over here in FAQs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

     to change tiers you have to play a certain amount of ranked stroke play rounds and lower your "scoring average" to a certain number. your score is pretty good, but you haven't played much


  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2011 11:06 PM

    Leon's right, until you reach a certain number of ranked games for your current tier you won't advance to the next tier.

    I'd like to add one piece of advice about advancing tiers.  Whatever you don't get too keen to move up as quickly as possible.  It's tempting as you think you're progressing but if you only play easy courses you will find yourself playing off long tees before you've really developed your game properly.  And you'll struggle when you have to play Oakmont or BPB in a tourney.

    I'm not suggesting that you're doing this but I have seen some profiles where almost all their scores are from Kiawah and St. Andrews, not the best way to tier up.  Just play your game, at all the courses, and let it happen.

  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2011 1:27 AM

    Yes I believe that last remark 100% and it's happened to me too. I read in the forums on how to do this but now I'm having a little bit of difficulty putting on these fast greens. Shots from putting short distances of under 6 feet are now missing the hole at times and I have memorized the key spots on the meter for these short putts. So it's  better  to grasp the game on all courses not just one or two and patiently wait to tier up. I sure wish they had a practice green that you could use and also be able to set the wind speed and other critical factors. It would sure help for some of us on the short game.



  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2011 5:40 AM


    I sure wish they had a practice green that you could use and also be able to set the wind speed and other critical factors.

    If you set up a stroke play round as practice instead of ranked you can set wind, greens and tees to whatever you want.  You can also use up all your shots hitting putts back and forth.  Practice games don't count towards your average so you don't have to worry about screwing it up.

    I guess you know how to do this but just in case:

    On the main game window (the one that opens when you click Play Now) click Explore Courses, then See All Courses.

    Select the course you want and click Stroke Play.

    Change game mode to Practice and you can then select wind and green speed as well as tee.

    Have fun.

    Oh, and you can also practice individual holes that are giving you trouble.  In the drop down menu WGT Community at the top of the screen you'll find Golf Courses.  Pick your course and you can then select which hole you want to play.