I am running windows 11 with same issue
Windows 10 here as well. Just started with the recent 'updates'..Seems like every issue I ever have is immediately after the 'update'. It is Not a Windows issue. Mine is all pink, jittery, and makes play no fun at all. Fix it or I leave.
Me Too
aaaaaaa *** them they have our money now
My avatar is partially fixed now but it's darker and my normally white balls are dark gray. The shot meter still jumps so bad it makes the game unplayable. Is this issue ever going to be fixed, it's been a week now....
Why does the face on my avatar on the main page look like....
a) It's psychotic
b) It's constipated
AceHoler26: Why does the face on my avatar on the main page look like.... a) It's psychotic OR b) It's constipated
Which one is it. Cant be both.
Could be psychoticly constipated... like the latest update version....
BarelyHuman: Could be psychoticly constipated... like the latest update version....