Worked fine this morning, now all I get is a flickering wgt screen and a locked up game. Tried removing and reinstalling and it's the same. Broken :(
I’ve been having loading issues for 3 days on my ipad. Takes forever to load up then freezes up during the game. Or wont let me tee off after game starts. Very frustrating.
Exactly same problem here. Any solutions?
Try putting you game launcher in the task bar.Same thing happens on my iMac if i try to open the game from launchpad.
I've tried both the desktop and the task bar and it's all the same. It worked fine yesterday morning and all other games play fine. Guess im done till they fix or update :(
lucavince: Exactly same problem here. Any solutions?
None yet, very slow with the holidays getting any sort of help. Hopefully it speeds up now. If you happen to figure it out let me know and i'll do the same.