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Re: Any other off ding putters out there ?

Sun, Mar 2 2025 5:30 AM (16 replies)
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  • AceHoler26
    352 Posts
    Thu, Feb 20 2025 4:41 PM


    Greetings AceHoler26,

    My name is Dneirf, and I am an off-ding putter exclusively!

    As with your method, I never move the aiming arrow unless there is an epic break.

    I have mentally divided the strike zone of the swing meter on both sides of the Ding into twelve (12) sections, six (6) sections on the left side of the Ding, and six (6) sections on the right side of the Ding, as follows:

    Left side of the Ding = -1/4, -1/3, -1/2, -2/3, -3/4, -7/8.

    Right side of the Ding = +1/4, +1/3, +1/2, +2/3, +3/4, +7/8.


    For non-epic breaks: Without moving the aiming arrow, every putt will be executed on, or sometimes about on, one of the twelve (12) off-ding sections in the swing meter strike zone, adding one (1) point of power for each section used in the swing meter strike zone.

    For epic breaks: The aiming arrow will be moved in relation to one of the swing meter strike zone sections: -/+1/4, -/+1/3, -/+1/2, -/+2/3, -/+3/4, -/+7/8, adding one (1) point of power for each section moved. The putt will then be executed in relation to the same section the aiming arrow was placed.

    For example, if with an epic break the aiming arrow was moved to the right of the Ding +3/4, then the putt will be executed in the swing meter strike zone section that of +3/4, adding five (5) points of power to the putt.

    I am equipped with the Titleist Scotty Cameron Phantom X 6 Putter M2 (L98+). The -0.9 difference from the Precision of the putter prevents or minimizes the putters Forgiveness to 'correct' my off-dings.


    Looks like we are off with an interesting start.

    I do believe this will be a fun and informative discussion here in the Forum AceHoler26.

    I sent you a Friend Invite just in case we decide to go Private for whatever reason.

    Looking forward to reading of your strategy,


    Well this was quite the interesting read.  I would say my strategy is very very close to yours.  I determine the fractions by the speed of the dots and I do it intuitively without any formal calculations.  I will also factor in uphill and downhill.

    I have found that I can be a little more off the fractions and still sink the putt if my distance calculation is almost spot on.

    I also wonder about the putter statistics as to which putter would be better for an off dinger.  I have 4 different putters all with different statistics and most of the time there doesn't seem to be one putter that is suited best for off dinging.

    Here is what I have thought the putter stats meant:

    1) Precision - how close it will come to the calculated distance you are hitting

    2) Forgiveness - How much it will correct for not hitting the ding, which seems like this would not be a good thing for an off ding putter.

    3) Balance - I have no

  • SamSpayed
    5,075 Posts
    Thu, Feb 20 2025 6:40 PM

    Balance - I have no

    This is what WGT said about what Balance means, way back when:

  • Dneirf
    473 Posts
    Thu, Feb 20 2025 6:53 PM


    Balance - I have no

    This is what WGT said about what Balance means, way back when:

    Thanks SamSpayed for Chipping-In. Your Post has some valuable information!

    I tried to send you an Friend Invite but was unsuccessful.

    Again, Thanks,


  • Dneirf
    473 Posts
    Thu, Feb 20 2025 7:13 PM

    ~ snip ~ 1) Precision - how close it will come to the calculated distance you are hitting ~ snip ~

    -----and the direction of the shot.

    By hitting in the Blue Areas of the Swing Meter one can create Draws and Fades.

    I however, have only experienced more erratic hits rather than true Draws and Fades.

    I am positive that with extensive practice one can master Fades and Draws. Perhaps when Dneirf achieves Tour Champion I will devote more time and practice to this Goal.


  • Yiannis1970
    3,355 Posts
    Fri, Feb 21 2025 9:20 PM


    Here is what I have thought the putter stats meant:

    1) Precision - how close it will come to the calculated distance you are hitting

    2) Forgiveness - How much it will correct for not hitting the ding, which seems like this would not be a good thing for an off ding putter.

    3) Balance - I have no




  • MioKontic
    4,661 Posts
    Sat, Feb 22 2025 4:31 AM

    I haven't hit a ball in WGT since end of June last year, but when I first started, back in 2010, I was a ding putter, because i didn't know any different.  It was probably some time within that first year someone I used to play regularly with - Borlick - told me about off-ding putting.  Tried it... and never looked back.  I have always found it far more forgiving than moving the marker and trying to ding.

    Just like AnaNikolaj, up until last year (or maybe the year before) I stuck with the same putter - Daytona Rossa - for the same reason... didn't know how precision/forgiveness would affect off-ding putting.  Plus, the Daytona was one of the best putters at the time.

    In more recent years I found with the Daytona putter that the ball sometimes wouldn't start anywhere near where i thought it would.  For example, for a right to left break, I would move the aimer to the right of the hole, and hit late, and yet the ball would still start straight at the hole, and so miss the hole because of the break.  I figured that must be down to foregiveness/precision (maybe the specs had changed/diminished over the years?) so I tried a putter with better precision, and bought the one I have in my bag now, and it is definitely more accurate.

    With regards how I work out how much I need to miss the ding by and whether I need to move the aimer, there are no calculations, it's just trial and error, experience, and (as with real putting) feel.  Back in the days of Flash I rarely moved the aimer, but since we lost Flash I found that you have to miss the ding by so much more that it became almost impossibe for many putts, so now I move the aimer on 80% of putts, sometimes maybe just a fraction, as well as missing the ding.  I have found that moving the aimer even a small amount helps with foregiveness.

    Jure - I found the L98 Scotty Cameron putter to work really well with off-ding putting, particularly with precision, i.e. the ball starting on the intended line rather than forgiveness taking over and missing the required line of the putt.  Also, I picked the M1 model as it resembled the meters of the Daytona, so I didn't get caught out with playing different meters to what I was used to.

    Dneirf - for someone who puts all that effort into calculations, your putting stats are very poor to say the least; only 30% one-putts and 18% three-putts wouldn't give me any confidence of your methods!

  • AceHoler26
    352 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2025 5:30 AM

    Regarding the best putters for "off ding" is my take...

    I currently have 5 putters, here they are along with their stats.

    1) Scotty Cameron Phantom X 6 M1 (L98+)

       Precision  5.4, Balance 4.5, Forgiveness 4.5

    2) TaylorMade Spider GT Splitback M1 (L101+)

       Precision 5.2, Balance 4.7, Forgiveness 4

    3) Odyssey Sabertooth (L59+)

       Precision 4.2, Balance 2.5, Forgiveness 4.5

    4) TaylorMade Daytona Rossa (L55+)

       Precision 4, Balance 3, Forgiveness 2

    5) Odyssey Versa #1 Black (L96+)

       Precision 5, Balance 4.5, Forgiveness 3.5

    I seem to have the greatest success with my putting style when using the Versa.  Note that it has very good balance and precision but lower forgiveness.  Lower than any other putter except for the Rossa.  But the Rossa has much lower stats for precision and balance.

    So my conclusion would be that putters that have high balance and precision (at least a rating of 4 or higher) along with lower forgiveness (below 4) would be the best putters for off ding putters.

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