Match 12 tie 386
Jerseyjake72 wins 2 up against jeff12352
good game back and forth good luck in the rest Jeff
Round 2
Match 33 | Beyond the Green Eggs & Ham vs ECB Double Eagles
Tier #554 | WigerToods2010 wins 3up vs BogeysCannon
Match 16
Tie 420
kspannu49 won 3UP vs hoosierdaddy1005
Round 2, match 37, tie 590
Richie88881 wins 2 up over PAPANIX33
Round 2, Match 2
Tie 305 Tgkmov defeated Chublarkin
Tie 307 Schmails3 defeated Jamdawg80
Round 2, Match 35
Tie #575
ADCWest (KH5) wins 2-up vs. petarskoric07 (TPB5)
Round 1 / Match #34 / Tie #566
MattSutherland defeats Scoot0317 3&1
Finny's Round 2 Match #31, Tie #540. The Dudes of Hazzards vs. SEL Dark Horses. Jhonger1 wins 1up over PRjes.
R2, Match 30, Tie 533
TripleB314 wins vs TheDonzo