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Re: Prioritizing upgrades?

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 16 2011 12:45 PM (4 replies)
  • dufferjoe1
    13 Posts
    Thu, Dec 15 2011 9:03 PM

    My first post on the forums...

    I've recently moved to Master tier (level 61) and don't do much in the way of credit collecting.  Managed to upgrade my driver and woods to slightly higher WGT models over time (Driver rated at 245 yds).  I spent some credits to get the Z Satin TP wedges.  Still playing starter irons, putter, and balls.

    I'm working to get enough credits to upgrade the driver (looking at lvl 58 Ping G10 or lvl 62 R9) as I am suffering since moving to Masters length tees.

    I was just wondering, if you are tight on credits, what order would you upgrade to get the best results on the course?  (i.e. most benefit to least benefit)

    Thanks for your replies...

  • Turnabout945
    85 Posts
    Fri, Dec 16 2011 11:43 AM

    I think this thread is just what you need:

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Fri, Dec 16 2011 12:16 PM

    My short answer is, get the G10 full set, then putter. Or vice versa.

    Otherwise, I would go driver, putter, irons, 3rd wedge (replaces hybrid), 3 wood.

    Driver: I think the G10 is great; seems like more play the R9. It's longer, but not as accurate. Putter: Many players say this can wait, but IMO you take more shots with the putter than any other club, and the smaller meter increments and better precision make a huge difference. Wedge: Get one to fill the yardage gap between PW and 60 degree (the G10 set solves this problem, ditto on the 3 wood). If you get a set you can keep the hybrid for occasional use (it's free, sort of) or sell it back, which lowers the set price a bit.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Dec 16 2011 12:25 PM

    I was just wondering, if you are tight on credits, what order would you upgrade to get the best results on the course?

    as I am suffering since moving to Masters length tees.

    My question to you is did you suffer as a Tour Pro, just before you turned Master? Probably not and the driver you're after will get you back to the place where, as a Tour Pro, you weren't suffering. THEN start looking at what you need.  GL


  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Fri, Dec 16 2011 12:45 PM

    ... and spend some time on the offers and surveys, it's amazing how quickly you can acquire credits if you use the grey matter.