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Re: Course ratings reflected in tier and levels

rated by 0 users
Sat, May 26 2012 12:33 PM (2 replies)
  • jimoldfart
    131 Posts
    Tue, Dec 20 2011 7:44 AM

    I think the level of difficulty the courses a member plays should have a direct effect on their rankings and levels. A member that plays only S.A. or K. I. will advance a lot faster and reach the higher tiers much quicker than one who plays Congressional and Oakmont for example . Regular courses have a rating why shouldn't WGT ? increase the pts. given for the harder courses or lower the points given for the easier courses.  A Tour  Pro who only plays Congressional and Oakmont for example will  probably be able to beat a Master who only plays S.A. and K. I. every time.

    I think this will stop a lot of the bickering about cheating and the differences in abilitys especially at the higher levels. A good example of this, If in you play to a 6 at your local club and someone else is a 6 at Pebble Beach, on a neutral course you are going to get spanked 9 out of 10 times. I dont know about the rest of you, but a 32 at Congressional is a lot more satisfing to me than a 32 at S.A.. I haven't done this, but if you checked  I'd bet most of the big tournament winners are playing the difficult courses the majority of the time.

  • barry38372
    55 Posts
    Sat, May 26 2012 12:33 PM

    i absolutly agree with that statement ,and the irony is that someone gets on herew and tells someone that oakmont is for high tier players ,what i thought pro was a high tier i have 500 rounds or more ,there is a diff ,but, i feel in orderto get a grip on your game i say yeah play all that way you always have choices and if you need to you can prac your chips at the closets to hole games ,my chips are real good ,now if i could putt worth a chip ,you guys would be hurting,but i dont think youll have to worry i stink on putts .