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Re: Hitting the mouse at the right time

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jan 6 2010 7:01 PM (27 replies)
  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Tue, Jan 5 2010 6:14 PM

    Isn't knowing your tendencies knowing yourself?

    Yeah, that was kinda my point ;)

    Slow, short backswings increase that likelihood such as you would get by using the larger scales on your putter, for instance

    Just started doing that, just to try it out, and I have to agree, I like it a lot.... Thanks for that one.  P.S. don't kick yourself too much hehehe....

  • pillsy
    489 Posts
    Tue, Jan 5 2010 6:33 PM

    sometimes when i'm in a slump hitting the line, i focus on just trying to get it "near" the line.  if i can get it somewhere in the ballpark (and maybe miss slightly to the left/right) it at least puts me in decent position for the 2nd shot.  and every once in a while, i'll "accidentally" ding the line.  that helps to get me back on track.

  • sylverhare75
    44 Posts
    Tue, Jan 5 2010 8:13 PM

    Yes YJ... i will make 'em squirm... however with the slow swing putter around the greens are nice and all... but i have not had the best time figuring where to put the marker for aiming... so i just misclick to 'hope' and get the right 'miss' and follow the break.. and it does work... sometimes... after i figure out the whole moving the triangle aiming thing and getting the break right ... then the putter 'dings' should be helpful... although hitting center line on pitches and especially chip shots is a definite must to have any chance.. so i do move the aim spot for those and try to center hit chips and pitches...



    see i am getting there... just not ready for the next tier yet... some day... just not yet...

  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Wed, Jan 6 2010 4:18 AM


    Along this line, I have a question. I have 375 friends, have never deleted any of them, along with the posts to my blog nor any of the personal messages I have received, both of which are numerous. I have noticed that our top players keep friends and posts to the very bare minimum. Is this a way toward a smoother meter? If so, is there a quick way to make reductions aside from one at a time?

    In the past the audible friends notification would affect my swing meter.   So everytime a friend logged in or out, there would be a "ding" sound.   The sound itself was distracting and it seemed to make my swing meter skip when it happened.

    I had over 150 friends at the time when I finally got fed up with it and deleted everyone.   And yes, I did them one at a time.

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Wed, Jan 6 2010 9:57 AM


    Yes YJ... i will make 'em squirm...


    ... see i am getting there... just not ready for the next tier yet... some day... just not yet...


    C'mon man! I was just pulling yer leg! lol

    Actually, my "jab", while intended as being a good-natured one, was initiated after viewing your stats, and seeing that we're sharing the same frustrations... well... maybe that's the wrong word... not "frustrated", we're both just "waiting". Waiting for when that day comes when it will all come together for us, and we'll be able to TRULY call ourselves "Masters".

    Our stats are very similar... even our longest putts are within tenths of each other's! Getting to the next tier has never been a "top priority" for me either. When it comes, it comes. I'm here to hit the ding-line as often as possible, just as you are, but if I'm missing more often, than not, today, so be it. Tomorrow, I'll have another shot at it.

     I suppose my "being on the brink" these last few weeks may have made me a bit anxious... to the point of making light-hearted comments in an effort to mitigate my own growing concerns about "whatever-it-is-that-comes-next". i.e. laugh, rather than cry...

    So... from one pro to another, I again offer my sincerest apologies for my earlier attempt at humor, shared at large, at your expense... and wish you well in your own journey to "masterdom".

    - PugsAce


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jan 6 2010 10:20 AM

    LOL-squirmed quite nicely there pugster.  :)

  • sylverhare75
    44 Posts
    Wed, Jan 6 2010 3:29 PM

    i know.. all in good fun... and i did look at the stats.. you are right... we seem to be about the same... although there are a few points that you have fared a wee bit better than i have... no worries...

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Wed, Jan 6 2010 7:01 PM


    i know.. all in good fun... and i did look at the stats.. you are right... we seem to be about the same... although there are a few points that you have fared a wee bit better than i have... no worries...

    So good of you to understand my zealousness that prompted my comment. Especially since I had to decline your "invite" to play earlier! <squirminess returning>

    I MUST explain that I was in probably my best shared round since I've been on WGT, with a couple masters who threatened that if I left.... lol... j/k... no threats... but I DID want to explain to you about the match I was involved in, but the "decline invite explanatory box" never came up to give me the chance! I swear! The guys said they'd even vouch for me, cause I explained to them what had happened.

    It would be great if we could setup a game. Anytime you see my light on shoot me an invite, and I'll do the same, if it's OK with you.

    So as to keep this post at least "semi-on topic"... here's the round where we WERE "hitting the mouse at the right time"!
