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Re: Spamming the "Offer to Drop Match" button

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 7 2010 2:36 PM (1 replies)
  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 1:40 PM

    While speaking to an associate WGT'er, I was made aware of a new form of rudeness.

    While on the back side of an 18-hole Match Play, and while up 4 with 5 to play, my friend and colleague was subjected to the spamming of the "offer to drop match" button. Every time you are asked if you wish to drop the match, you are trapped into answering the query before you can make your shot/interact with the game. This almost cost him a time and stroke penalty. Every time he indicated that no, he did NOT want to end the match, his 'worthy' opponent just clicked it again.

    This is outrageous behaviour (although not unexpected by some of the more 'class-less' members) and should not be tolerated.

    WGT, is there a way in which you could install a timer, or a delay, between requests to drop the match? Say, one hole, 2 minutes, 24 hours??


    Ps.. my colleague did, in fact, continue on to win the match 5 - 4, iirc.

  • WGTalex
    2,087 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 2:36 PM

    Thanks for the report and suggestion.