Achieved the almighty Legend status. Most will not care but I just want to take this opportunity to thank those who have been my friend during the chase for it and definitely give my thanks to Ms. Connie for all her advice & tips she has given me over the last year and a half on here. Thank you as well Ms. Bootise for helping me to get my smile back. You are both special ladies and dear to my heart. I thank you again from the bottom of my heart.......
Enjoy the new challenge, it really isn't that bad at all.
Congrats and well done, enjoy the new game.
Didn't thank me so eff ya;)
From one Tim to another...
Good on ya mate! Hopefully will be in your neck of the tiers one of these days.
hpurey: Congrats!!! Enjoy the new challenge, it really isn't that bad at all.
same have fun ,
Congratulations and Welcome to the new Actually, It's not that bad :)
Good Luck and Good Hitting
Thank you guys. Greatly appreciated ;)