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Re: A pre-shot set-up option combined with the hole inset graphic.

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jan 18 2010 7:09 PM (3 replies)
  • pullinup
    108 Posts
    Mon, Jan 18 2010 3:48 PM
    Click to enlarge, (double)... select club, set aimer, set spin. reduce time between shots. (use optional) I would use it. It could save 5-10 seconds on each shot. Without reducing the allotted swing time. I wouldnt mess with that. Just a thought.
  • chipshotcharlie
    538 Posts
    Mon, Jan 18 2010 4:21 PM

    Yes this would be good but being an online game without a download means this would be even more data to be transferred and the servers are struggling as it is.Lets just see what the next update brings and if the meter fix works and a new course is a success i personally will be more than happy with that.IMO the game is great, with a few bugs removed more courses should be the main goal and with the costs involved the focus should remain here as other ideas while good in thought are not really financially viable. 

    thx csc


  • pullinup
    108 Posts
    Mon, Jan 18 2010 4:42 PM

    Thanks for your reply, however I respectfully disagree.

    The features in question already exsist so the initiation of such a feature may only require a simple patch of a few connections.

    And the time saved in games could be worth millions to WGT.

     Lightening the load on WGT servers in process..

    However, I would rather see a new course as well.

    Preferably Old St. Andys.


  • chipshotcharlie
    538 Posts
    Mon, Jan 18 2010 7:09 PM

    Well i hope they do it then and when this releases a hole new plague of bugs wich it will like in every other patch,ill gain amusement when all the complaining starts all over again if it aint broken dont fix it

    just MHO chippy