I think if you hit that early or late (black areas), that it just duffs it completely...
Pretty much. I go by the lines rather than the colors. There are 5 lines after the Zero Power line when using a Driver. The middle line of those 5 is what we all call the Ding. I've proposed similar names for the other 4 - the line right before the Ding, I call the Dang; the line right after the Ding, I call the Dong; and the lines before the Dang and after the Dong are the Dung lines. So, that would look something like this -
^----------safe range----------^
It's safe to click from right between the Dung and the Dang to right between the Dong and the Dung, with only a loss of perhaps 5 or 10 yards of distance if you don't click on the Ding.
But if you click on or near the Dung lines, you are likely to have a duff with severe loss of yardage.
Where to click in this usable range and offsetting the Aim Marker for proper direction is more of an art, however, and while I have a concrete method of achieving it, it would be rather hard to explain in any really usable terms. So, trial and error is the best way to develop your own technique for what I like to call "playing outside the lines".
I explain my method in a little more detail in this thread on the subject -