I saw the driving range. I actually hit on it. Not Pebble Beach but the virtual one. The one like I can't believe is not here.
My son and I went to a vitual golf range this past weekend and actually played Kiawah-all 18. The screen rendition we hit into was exactly-I mean exactly the same as here, HD and all. It was astounding to say the least, especially having "played" it a zillion times already. What made me sick was the first thing that came up on the screen resembled the grid lines on a football field with yard markers every 50 yds starting at 50---a driving range!! Exactly like we could have here and did it ever help. It was stupid simple too-just the lines overlaid on grass with a top view in the corner.
Without going on a bash WGT and the programmers kick, would somebody please explain to me why this is so hard to get? A WGT answer (not the stock one) would be nice but I also trust the knowledge of several here. Feel free to explain it.