Shrude and Essy,
You two should be ashamed of yourselves!
This is NOT the Aussie way...not where I comr from anyways.
How did you let the conversation deteriorate into such childish behaviour?
A few hours ago I was feeling proud to be BOTH your friends, but my pride has now slipped into a coma!
I like both you guys....why can't you learn to get along?
Nothing more healthy than a condtructive debate, but this has turned into a destructive battle of who's more Aussie? Peleeeesase!
My most sincere philosophy that I will always follow is simple...If you can't say something nice about each other...then don't say anything!
Being born in a tent in the middle of the Simpson desert msakes one NO more or less an Aussie born in the big City hospital.
Boot me from the CC if you like Shrudie, but this girl is gonna state her matter who it's about....get used to it, or get rid of me.
If you do, then rest assured I will not be joining Essy's CC either.
You guys need to show some maturity on here and handshake the crap away.
Miss Rosie has spoken