Hi WGT Community....
I just thought I would throw this out there - might be "helpful" for someone to hear this.
As we are now into February, I just realized that I had a "left over" small/odd balance remaining on a VISA Gift Card issued by a major bank that I received during the holidays. (Originally my gift was $100 to spend - so I used MOST of it to make purchases in retail stores etc).
This morning I realized I had a $2.04 balance "left over" from my purchase remaining to be spent. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH 2 Dollars and 4 cents? Most commonly I would forget about it and end up lugging the card around in my wallet for the next 6 months forgetting about it completely.
INSTEAD OF THAT....Well - I just went into "My Account" and purchased 204 WGT Credits with it. No idea what I will spend it on on WGT yet BUT it will be far more useful than carrying around unspent in my wallet for the next 6 or 8 months.
Maybe this will help someone else find a use for an odd balance on a Gift Card. It is just about the time of year when many others of you might have used up all but a small portion of a giftcard so I thought this made sense to post.
NOTE: I prefer not to slide down a slope into a discussion of "Why should a person give WGT Money?" - There are plenty of other threads about that debate. This suggestion simply for those who CHOOSE to do so.