Boots89:Let`s here from all who are sick of the Flag`s on Kiawah Island.
They have moved them on Bethpage each time you play?????
BUT don`t seem to care that we are SICK of them on Kiawah Island.
Is it time to start looking around for another online golf game to spend Money On ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
PLEASE HAVE A SAY OR IS IT JUST ME WHO`S SICK OF THE FLAG`S ON THE KIAWAH ISLAND COURSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Asking for new pins on Kiawah. Went thru your score history and your best 9 hole score is 33, your best 18 hole score is 69. Lot of 40's and 70's in there. Why don't you master the pins already in place before screaming for new ones. Post some 9 hole high 20's and 18 hole low 60's then talk! Sorry, couldn't resist. LOL!