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Re: Have the green speeds changed..?

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Tue, Feb 16 2010 4:33 AM (2 replies)
  • igiveup
    110 Posts
    Mon, Feb 15 2010 10:59 PM
    I have just finished playing a multi-round tournament on BPB with slow green.... I'm hitting putts 10 ft putts at about 13ft... and they still finish short...Is there something in an update I've mnissed?
  • eternalspirit
    255 Posts
    Tue, Feb 16 2010 2:05 AM

    the footage given on the putter is a guide based on a flat surface and a standard green speed. therefore any other green condition needs to be taken into account. uphill, downhill, left break, right break . also slow, fast and very fast green speed. all this effects the distance. 

    now i'm well aware you know this but you should (IMO) treat the green speeds as follows:

    • Very fast = fast (less than putter footage)
    • fast = standard (same as putter footage)
    • standard = slow (more than putter footage
    • slow = very slow (much more than putter footage)

    hope this helps.

    oh and also i find with putting on "very fast" that the longer the putt the much less you need to hit it. so if you have a 15ft putt hit it about 12ft,  30ft putt hit it about 26ft. then if you have a 60ft putt only hit it 50ft.  

  • ncviz
    527 Posts
    Tue, Feb 16 2010 4:33 AM

    Good breakdown ES...

    I would also add every speed is faster further away than closer, not just very fast.

    And is there is a difference in slow and standard. I thought they were about the same. First thought was they did away with standard and went with slow, but I see standard popping back up so you might be right.