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Re: OK where have ya hidden it?

Sat, Feb 20 2010 2:00 PM (18 replies)
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  • JenniferLove
    10 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2010 10:03 AM

    I don't buy the whole "cheating" angle a lot of posters throw out for a reason things happen here. This site has many problems and cheaters are right up there with the stuttering bar, which seems to be way out there this morning. You spending money and spreading it around does not meet the business model. Who the hell cares if a hack gets a pro driver or putter. There are so many hacks and amateurs shooting low 60's after 5 rounds it isn't funny. I wonder how they got that good? Could it be they have more then one account? And don't get me started on the numerous deviants who lurk about. Hey ya wanna play? How big are your boobs baby, do you shave, wink, wink.

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2010 11:41 AM

    I think "gifts" used to have be purchased with money and not credits, when this was the case then gifting anything to anyone ie a Master driver to a Master, or hack club for a hack would have not been an issue, though it was not set up that way, you could still not gift pro+ stuff and I didn't see why not.

    Now that gifts can be given with credits, that changed things as too many gifts given away with those "collecting" credits takes away directly from WGT income. 

    I bought PRO clubs and very soon will have to buy Master clubs, actual money spent.  If these clubs could be given to me with credits and I have a friend or two here who have a nice big collection of credits, then the money wont be spent.

    Not to mention that this could encourage a "cash out" system by gifting the upper tier equipment. 

    This has been brought up before and there are arguements for both sides, but I do see why it is the way it is now. 

  • Crazyman2
    731 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2010 12:00 PM

    Its a pity you didn't actually read the original post Jay. I stated that I spent MONEY with WGT to top up the account in readiness for the prizes. Therefore WGT DID get cash.

    And now the only thing this ludicrous "system" has taught me, is to NOT offer any WGT equipment in future. That is a shame for WGT  but it won't be a shame for the future winners of prizes in the tournaments I offer. They will be getting other prizes of probably more significant value instead.


  • OaktheToke
    409 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2010 12:55 PM

    What I do not understand is the fact that a player who is already a master cannot be gifted equipment. That makes no sense whatsoever. If that player is already a master (then no cheating is a reason for an argument against - and the way our system works - a cheat couldn't possibly bypass it)

    Actually that's wrong, a cheat could most certainly bypass it. You are being short sited.  Again, I sympathize with your predicament.

    The chief level in this game that equipment improvement is needed in order to compete is at the Master level,which coincidentally is also the hardest to earn them unless you're good enough to consistently score well in the Ready-Go's.  Even then, it might take quite a while to substantially earn them.

    A master could use another account, whether a duplicate or another's already created, to more easily achieve credits at lower level of competition, both in weekly tournaments or in MPC.  Then use these winnings to gift items to his/her Master account.  Maybe they would even use another account already associated at the Master level, as not to raise suspicion, but with a much lower avg, as so others would would be more likely to accept their MPC.

    In addition they are other reasons not to allow this type of gifting.   For the sake of time I won't list them all.  I do also see the rationale FOR your argument, but I do just understand and probably agree with their reason for not allowing to do so.

    If you would stop wasting time here and just freaking email WGT, I'm sure they would be more then happy to accommodate you, as it seems your tournys and intended prizes are most likely legit and your tournament draws players to play their game.  Its a win-win dude and a no-brainer.  However, I'm guessing chastising them in an open forum is counter productive to making this happen.  Funny it took them 5 weeks to reply to you, because they've gotten back to me with an answer within 1 day every time I've emailed them.  

    Perhaps you could have thought about his beforehand and had everything already arranged.  I'm sure next time you will.

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2010 12:57 PM

    I read it and like others mentioned its been this way for awhile already, I only offered the possible reasoning behind the 'why' incase it wasn't clear. 

    It sounds like you made an honest mistake, why do you assume that WGT would not try to help you through this? 

    I'd agree with some others that your efforts would be better spent emailing then directly instead of just airing a grievance here and I would bet they would be accomodating as much as possible but also within the guidelines for the reasons already given. 

    Had you approached them ahead of time and asked about a contest that could possibly give away Pro equipment, who knows maybe they would have supported it, I kind of think they might of since a contest is like yours is a great way to support the site and community. 

    Not sure they will after the fact but it wouldn't hurt to ask would it?  Its a contest afterall and not just someone wanting to 'gift' someone pro equipment. 

    At the least if you explained your situation I would think you could get your money back for the credits spent.  Because you actually spent money and they can see this, they might even let you gift the equipment but that could be wishful thinking. 

    As I said in my OP, if someone actual spends money to gift something (not to buy credits but to buy the Pro+ equipment directly which is not possible now) then I dont see the problem for WGT what-so-ever.  People will complain though on why they cant just use credits but people will always complain, I think gifting Pro equipment if "purchased" is a win - win and should probably be set up, maybe I'm missing something.

    Again it cant hurt to ask. 


    Edit - Oak beat me by a minute ot two and basically we are saying the same thing, I also have got responses from them within 2 days for an issue.  I'd also agree that the system can be "cheated" and its obvious and the only way around it is to have gifts Pro+ be purchased with money. 

  • Crazyman2
    731 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2010 1:22 PM

    Actually that's wrong, a cheat could most certainly bypass it. You are being short sited.  Again, I sympathize with your predicament.

    Short-SIGHTED I am not.  It is NOT wrong, if you have a system that prevents fraudulent behaviour.  Make sure you get the facts before making such accusations

    The chief level in this game that equipment improvement is needed in order to compete is at the Master level,which coincidentally is also the hardest to earn them unless you're good enough to consistently score well in the Ready-Go's.  Even then, it might take quite a while to substantially earn them.

    Totally irrelevant to the point I was making.  If I wanted to gift a MASTER with a club then that Master would have already been through your scenario of achieving that status.

    If you would stop wasting time here and just freaking email WGT, I'm sure they would be more then happy to accommodate you, as it seems your tournys and intended prizes are most likely legit and your tournament draws players to play their game.  Its a win-win dude and a no-brainer.  However, I'm guessing chastising them in an open forum is counter productive to making this happen.  Funny it took them 5 weeks to reply to you, because they've gotten back to me with an answer within 1 day every time I've emailed them.  

    If I wish to waste MY time I will feel free to do so, and the hint of suggesting my tournaments are not legitimate, is a slur upon my integrity. Would you like to back up that slight suspicion "Dude"?    I am also not chastising WGT.  I was simply looking for an answer (Hence the title of the thread) And NO its not funny that it took 5 weeks for a reply. Maybe I was unlucky,but I feel that I have an obligation to those winners in a LEGIT tournament as quickly as possible.

    And yes, you are probably correct in saying I should have checked, however, as I gifted a Rapture Driver before (less than 8 weeks ago) to a winner, I didn't see the point.

    Now  if you wish to get off your "high and almighty horse" and digest the original post, rather than try and ridicule me for uneccesary wordings, then , perhaps you could "think about things beforehand" as well.

    And,  if  you wish to see if  I allow cheats or you think what i am doing is not legitimate  then please drop by and I will be more than happy to show you around. Or, if you can't manage that, perhaps  you could send a "freakin" message.

  • OaktheToke
    409 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2010 1:48 PM

    Wow, not sure you quite get it.

    If they allow everyone to gift of Pro and Master level equipment they open up a gateway to a slippery slope of cheating.  That is all.  Either you see this possibility or you don't.  If you don't, you are being short-sighted because you are not seeing ALL the possibilities and ramifications of doing so, not just HOW IT EFFECTS YOU.  I'm sorry that this has effected your virtuous intents of gifting prizes for your competitors.  I hope you are able to work this out for everyone's sake.

    If you noticed I used bold type to emphasize certain points, and even underlining for extra flare.  Apparently this scores high marks in your digestive tract.

    Have a  cranberry juice and think of a solution.

  • Crazyman2
    731 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2010 1:58 PM

    "WOW" What a pity it's you that is short-sighted . If you can actually READ  it says "gifting a MASTER" 

    Also it is not that it affects ME at all . it affects the people that were going to benefit. I was simply the provider.

    Don't try and come funny with the cranberry juice remark as the "flare" you are describing is perhaps its a "flame" that you are trying to achieve.

    As for solutions, I have many, none that i will divuulge to you, as you obviously suffer from understanding simple english.

    You have already questioned my integrity, don't push something that you know nothing about. Or If you wish to continue waving your handbag , may I suggest we do it out of this thread. Seeya  "Dude"

  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2010 2:00 PM

    We will be following up with your email Crazyman2.

    Thank you for sharing your concerns about the gifting feature.  We do appreciate your input and will consider your thoughts moving forward.

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