About a month ago there was some discussion on disconnects. I for one would like to see some incentive in a positive manner. Thus I came up with the following idea.
Something that will improve one's experience here on WGT would be the
Multiplayer achievement award. Simply implied, use the StableFord
scoring system as a method of generating points once the Round is
- Tin: 25 pts
- Bronze 100 pts
- Silver 250 pts
- Gold 500 pts
- Platinum 1000 pts
- Crystal 2500 pts
- Diamond 5000 pts
Secondly, the award would be only active when you reach the pro
tier. Disconnects from multiplayer games would incur a 25 pt penalty.
25 points deducted from your award score. Also, you could possibly be
reduced in rank from gold to silver for example. Thus, it would be a
deterrent as well a motivator. It is of my opinion allot of players
disdain from the multiplayer aspect of this game due to the
disconnects. Thus, why not have an incentive.