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Few suggestions

rated by 0 users
Tue, Feb 23 2010 11:40 AM (0 replies)
  • SWoods
    62 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 11:40 AM

    Hi -- Thank you for this great game. I had a few suggestions for you to consider --

    1. I saw there is a suggestion for creating a fee for the multiplayer game. Please do not implement this as it will cause a huge drop in the number of multiplayer games, and consequently in the game itself. People usually drop off games if they are not scoring well and they think their average score will be impacted. I suggest, once you enter a ranked round, if you drop during the round, your pro-rated score should be included in the average or your avg score should be penalized in some way. That way, if someone has a bad few holes in a ranked round, their only way to save their average should be to continue playing and try to recover in that round.

    2. Ability to replay a shot in a practice round. This will help players better. Sometimes you do all the calculations and play a perfect shot expecting a perfect result which does not happen. The ability to replay a shot will allow everyone to understand what went wrong. 

    3. The incentive of the WGT balls for new friends -- Could we actually get credit points so we can choose our own balls?