EntropiaBones:That is fine it doesn't show , I know I hit it , and I have a screenshot but I do not see a storage here for pics. Thank you for the follow up.
Thank you for the follow up.
You are right EB about there being no storage for pictures here, so we have to find our own image hosting site, upload our pictures there, and then link to them here. A bit of a faff but it's okay once you know what to do. ; )
I had a 411 yard drive 2 days ago which beat by old record by 1 yard. LOL. It was during a coin game so I am guessing it dont count since it doesnt show on my profile. Cheers.
Sadly Mr B, you're right. Silky specified that in his initial post so I feel I should stick with it.
Thank you Nicole, that puts you in at #95. Table
Hit a 400.82 yard drive on RSG last week during clash. In stats.
Thanks sdkcpa, that puts you in at #457, tied with tnivka. Table.
Beleve it or nut, "the great one", HK, hit a 500 yerd drive some time ago. I don't want to blow my own horse, but I yam still known by many as the bast player of hall time.
Yeah not real good at spell checking tho, why must we suffer you again🤡🤣😂
tramilleo: Yeah not real good at spell checking tho, why must we suffer you again🤡🤣😂
I sended you a frend regwest. I hop you donut mine.