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Re: Community Spotlight

rated by 0 users
Fri, Mar 30 2012 10:08 AM (3 replies)
  • DannyPhan
    1,013 Posts
    Fri, Mar 30 2012 9:11 AM

    Is this a new feature for WGT?

    I noticed that the Community Spotlight has been showing a lot "dubious" player profiles lately, one might even go as far as saying they are Multi-Accounters.

    For instance today in the spotlight are L13 / Hack / 60.00 and L21 / Amateur / 58.00.

    Thanks WGT for this new feature it lets us know who to avoid....


  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Fri, Mar 30 2012 9:33 AM

    Where does one find this ''Community Spotlight''?



    ps: Don't worry, I've found it and see what you mean!!!!!!  That's good golfing:~)) LMFAO

  • MioKontic
    4,656 Posts
    Fri, Mar 30 2012 9:52 AM

    The problem is that there are more of these multi-accounters and sandbaggers than legitimate golfers of that average, and in the community spotlight of 4 players you will usually see maximum 1 legitimate player to 3 multi-accounters/sandbaggers.  Some of these accounts have been disabled, some have not.  But the fact that they've only been disabled and not deleted means that they still show up randomly on the community spotlight.

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Fri, Mar 30 2012 10:08 AM

    DannyPhan ,,,it  has been like this for many months, also  always check the dates these gifted  players played,  some played a long time ago  but WGT still show there score ,............................and yes this is a way to show case some  unreel scores ( for what  ever reason we can not accuse (anyone for good scores) but we all have a choice to play them or not)  and the Community Spotlight    is fun to see when a friend we know well is being show case ........i think its best not to make any more comments about them verry,verry gifted new members (hacks and Amateurs)    ........  most of us have to live knowing there always going to be some one  abusing a good thing ........... so keep playing with your friends and CC    have fun with them ,and with the game .Frapp