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Re: putting grid

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Sun, Mar 7 2010 8:34 PM (2 replies)
  • chipshotcharlie
    538 Posts
    Sun, Mar 7 2010 6:40 PM

    the current putting grid while fine for BPB and Kiawah seems to be not so efficiant at ST Andrews.

    My suggestion is a smaller grid as ive had putts that the dots show one thing and the putt does another.My reasoning is that there are so many ups and downs ins and outs on these greens,that if any deviation that is not close to a line gets missed and the current grid seems to be missing a lot of these imo.

    Just an idea no need to rip me to peices lol


  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Sun, Mar 7 2010 7:50 PM

    Yeah I follow your train of thought here mostly I think.  I've had some long putts at St. A that were near impossible to read. 

    Not sure what the best solution is, maybe some kind of zoom to magnify the current view or zoom the view out to see all the breaks, moving around in the view itself would really be the cats meow instead of just viewing from one point like now, if you could "drag the view around" if that makes sense or shift the view somehow so that you could see each part of a 100 foot putt with more clarity.  Right now on a very long putt you dont see whats in the middle, especially if you have like a "hill" in the middle of your putt! 

    I know, I know, dont leave yourself such long

  • chipshotcharlie
    538 Posts
    Sun, Mar 7 2010 8:34 PM

    Thats a good idea Jay a zoom of the putting grid feature would be great on all the course greens. Also agree if i could stick it within 3ft of the cup would be a complete solution but 33ft seems to be the norm for me lol

    thx chip