This has happened to me enough times now to justify a bug report. Here's the situation. Firefox 3.0.6
Usually firefox allows tabbed browsing. In other words, I don't usually have to have multiple windows up. Just a single window, with multiple tabs.
The game forces Firefox (and I assume all other browsers) to open up a secondary game window when we play. If I want decent game performance, I usually cannot have both the game window and the website window open at the same time so, I always close the website window.
About 40% of the time that I close the website window, the game window also closes on it's own 2 to 4 seconds later. It's not directly related to the WGT website either, because I was just in a threesome on #4 with some friends. When it wasn't my turn, I opened up a second Firefox window to check out a link I received from a buddy. The website I was on was totally unrelated to the WGT yet, when I closed that window it took the game window along with it.
This is the first time I've lost the window in the middle of a round but, I'm usually not opening and closing windows during the game. This happens most often in the beginning, after loading the game window and trying to close the website. It doesn't matter if it's single player or multiplayer or if the game window is fully loaded or still loading.
This isn't a case of a mistaken click or one X hiding behind another X that was accidently double-clicked. It happens whether I right-click and close the window through the taskbar or if click on the X to close the window.