I believe it's called "protocol". If one must drop out for any of the given reasons ,1st ,they should quit the match and not leave people hanging. 2nd, if possible, message the players they dropped. 3rd, get on with enjoying the game Just me.
Hmmm, let me see now..... seems like something called "Good Manners" at one time in my life was considered as something to be,do, and appreciate from others. It also seems to me that something else called "concern for others" was also looked upon as being something to pratice in your day to day dealings with all of those others that you may be in contact with during your day. I do not believe the most common type of consideration of others of just turning a blind eye and maintaining your way is any more conducive to a way of correct behaviour than letting rude, noncareing, etchically challanged, individuals continue to make others suffer or be penalized by thier actions. If so then we will shortly be a world of milk sops. My Nickle.