they friggin owe us, and more than balls! the greens break grids are just so off and inaccurate, and wind?? are they kidding? 14 mph goes 17yds ??/ 20 didnt move.?? so very many problems, not to menntion not wanting to get involved when you cant get your credits out of a damn survey or purchase! i've had this happen 3x! one was for 8800 credits and it took a month. IT SAID CREDITED IMMEDIATELY!! WHAT A CROCK OF ***! THYEY'D BETTER GET THIS STRAIGHT. GIVING BALLS, YEA I'VE GOTTEN MY SHARE BUT REMEMBER, THE EQUIP, BALLS AND CREDITS ARE MADE UP no MONETARY VALUE, SO THEY COULD COMP MUCH MUCH MORE! THEY ARE MAKING DOUGH HAND OVER FIST WHILE WE GROVEL AND PUT UP WITH CREDIT COSTING INCOMPETANCE! nough said, i have vented! :-)