Decarz and Chris... Context, my friends, context.
Nivlac never dissed Tiger, so please put down your torches and pitchforks. He was responding to another comment by Maniack about how Tiger cusses and tantrums... So, Tiger is a schoolgirl compared to Sergio's meltdowns.
Oh... and Decarz.. we golfers will never forget Hogan, Palmer and the like. Tiger would not be who he is and doing what he does with out them. They were the best of their time, and Eldrick is the best of this time.... and, whether you like it or not, there will come a time when someone else will be better than Eldrick. It is the nature of life.
Personal request, though, and don't take this too personally... try to frame your arguments without resorting to vulgarities if you really want people to take you seriously...
Remember, read first, understand second, react third....
*edit.. - .. Nivlac beat me to it. See what I get for leaving this open and not finished for an hour!? ...