overtheedge:That's nice. I'm just pointing out the run she had leading up to a 57, thats all. A 34 for 9 holes and then a 59 for 18 the very next day. Shaved those 9 strokes pretty darn quick. For a level 82 TM, that's pretty good,eh.
LOL Jeff, im failing to recognize the congratulatory tone in your messages here with regards to Katydids recent scoring in the US Open qualifier rounds. Instead, I'm feeling that you are insinuating that something else has happened out there, and given your posting history........I'd bet on it.
Hey, Acefactor shot 57 too. I have a 59, in only 3 attempts. Check out Genorbs 53 opening day quallie round. OMG......how can it be?
You should go practice and leave the message boards alone. IMHO