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Alternate Shot Play

Wed, Sep 19 2012 1:21 PM (32 replies)
  • Squeaks69
    3 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 9:01 AM

    I'm at 375-165 so that's about a 70%.

  • skccvb
    799 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 9:25 AM

    614-536 here. So about 55%. These stats can be misleading as the lower your average, the more likely you are paired with a weaker player. Probably 15% of these matches end in a default by way of disconnect- many of which are on purpose. Personally,I never quit however it is quite common.

    Still, AS is by far my favorite part of the game, the best way to connect with other players, and the main reason I remain active. WGTLS Guilds take it to a whole other level-where you find the best competitors, much much tougher and more competitive than in the 'general population' among the elite tiers.

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 10:21 AM


  • skccvb
    799 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 10:31 AM





    LMAO - any level 92 pro with Legend clubs is gonna win a disproportionate percentage of all their matches. Step up to the big boy tees!!

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 10:38 AM

    75.5%. Not bad for a girl.

  • twinstack1
    95 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 11:00 AM

    3361-1942. Scared to do the math from a ball perspective.

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 11:53 AM

    Very nice twinstack1.

  • Rifle57
    71 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 12:16 PM

    Can someone explain how a player can be a Level 92 with a scoring average of 61.92 and still be at Pro. Time to start hitting from at least the TM

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 1:08 PM


    Can someone explain how a player can be a Level 92 with a scoring average of 61.92 and still be at Pro. Time to start hitting from at least the TM

    Hasnt played a ranked round since L40.  No threat to anyone imo unless you just assume you're going to win a challenge or skins game w/o looking at the profile.  One glance and you should realize you're up against a good player.

  • dario2589
    202 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 1:27 PM

    94-38 I think that not quitting pay well in this static