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game's rigged when you click excellent now

Tue, May 22 2012 12:30 PM (31 replies)
  • aceydeucey
    504 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 8:58 PM

    There are lots of bugs out there.  Here are a few I have seen in my 2000+ games.

    1.  Moving the aiming flag....a ding shot with a driver will start the ball at the aiming flag.  A ding with Irons and putters has no effect... the ball will start where the hole was.

    2.  Wind effect varies greatly with every course.  Olympic is the only course where the wind is almost true.  

    3.  Rough % is also hit or miss on the courses.  Most 30% rough have no effect on distance on almost every course... then again, there are holes within a course where a 30% rough will affect the distance.  You have to take notes to know.

    4.  On some courses you can add 20 yds of distance for a 40% rough, on others it's 30 yds.

    5.  The speed of the meter changes daily.  So a 2 1/2 Feel dot on a ball will thus act like a 1 dot feel.  You don't know this until you've started the round.

    6.  Sand traps are the same as the rough.  You have to take notes to compute the extra yardage.

    7.  95% of my punch shots are not affected by the rough and sand %.  

    The biggest flaw I see is the moving of the aiming flag for irons and putts.  Why move the flag to compensate for wind.. ding the shot... and have the ball start off at the original flag position.  Dinging a shot should be a reward, but if you've moved the ball right of the pin to allow for a 20mph crosswind wind...then ding the shot... the ball will start at the hole and not at the aiming flag  thus resulting in a ball headed 20+ feet left of the hole.

    So now I do not move the flag at all for irons and putts.  I just click early or late and forget about the ding.  




  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 9:11 PM


    There are lots of bugs out there.  Here are a few I have seen in my 2000+ games.

    1.  Moving the aiming flag....a ding shot with a driver will start the ball at the aiming flag.  A ding with Irons and putters has no effect... the ball will start where the hole was.

    2.  Wind effect varies greatly with every course.  Olympic is the only course where the wind is almost true.  

    3.  Rough % is also hit or miss on the courses.  Most 30% rough have no effect on distance on almost every course... then again, there are holes within a course where a 30% rough will affect the distance.  You have to take notes to know.

    4.  On some courses you can add 20 yds of distance for a 40% rough, on others it's 30 yds.

    5.  The speed of the meter changes daily.  So a 2 1/2 Feel dot on a ball will thus act like a 1 dot feel.  You don't know this until you've started the round.

    6.  Sand traps are the same as the rough.  You have to take notes to compute the extra yardage.

    7.  95% of my punch shots are not affected by the rough and sand %.  




    Most of what you wrote are not bugs, but how the game is played.

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 9:52 PM

    Well I guess in 2 years I'll quit too . But Im gonna get my 2 years of fun in before I do that LOL.

    Heck In the early 90's I switched golf sims every year so what does that mean when someone quits after 2 ,3 or even 4 years?

    It means its a damn good game!

    Usually when somone quits playing something they love its because they fell out of love. Dont worry they will find their passion again here or on another golf sim.

    Peace out n remember forget about the damn ding (the sound is annoying anyways) Grip it n rip it !

  • bearclaw27
    553 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 10:12 PM


    IHave had many like THIS in the last week.

    I've seen alot of fugged up things here, but that is by far the worst...

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, May 22 2012 3:12 AM

    So many times I'd  hit shot like wanted to only to see ball leave the clubface in completely different angle than I was expecting.  


    Thats an excellent observation Mike.  The ones who use calculations/spreedsheets will notice it first because of defined expected result.

    Yes, after noting down a yardage scale for my clubs with spin, and no spin it hits you straight away when your 135 iron which used to be 131 with full spin can now go 140 yards.  But the best is the 8 iron, lately every shot varies, might get 145 one shot (with spin) 153 the next, or i will get the extra yardage from the nike's one hole, but when i need the 156 yards next time i will get 150. LOL

    Its entirely possible this was done without any malice from WGT. Just the programmers goofed  up a bit of the code so that wind doesnt always act as it should or greens that are 10ft 3 down are really only 10ft 1 down.  We've all seen the numerous unexpected bugs in games. Programmers aren't infallible and could be just honest mistakes in coding.

    We should all read this, its common sense, especially at Olympic (and other courses) what might say 40 feet down might only be 32, so this is where you need to memorise (or take notes) of past experiences on the hole, because a lot of holes instead of calculating for say 24 feet up slope, i will calculate it as 16.  Makes a heck of a difference.

    ** But how can any one explain this.  At Olympic, par #3, my ball landed right behind my opponents, 7 feet from hole, almost touching, i look at putt, near hole there was left to right break so i aim at left side of cup, i take putt yet my ball sails left of hole defying the break.  My opponent then takes his putt, the ball starts off in exactly same line but his ball TURNS INWARDS getting the breaks effect!  What else can you say, but its seems obvious that putts are programmed to drop or they don't regardless of the break.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, May 22 2012 5:25 AM

    What I don't understand  is you have a wind that is at 12:00 you check at the flag the wind is still at 12:00 it did not move, you ding the drive the ball lands 5 yards or so to the left of the pin. OK VEM stepped in so the next time it comes up I move the marker a little to the right of the pin ding the drive still the ball lands to the left of the pin, Has anyone else had this happen to them?


  • kingpin82
    145 Posts
    Tue, May 22 2012 7:22 AM

    I don't seem to have heard any squealing about the game being so rigged the day you posted a 61 round the front 9 of St Andies. I actually commend you for saving that 61...many folks would have been carted off in an ambulance with the sirens blazing.

    Ahahahahahahahah, Gold.

  • dandycap
    1,825 Posts
    Tue, May 22 2012 7:31 AM

    PJ, you make me lol. You caught the side of the cup witch caused your ball to do a 180. This morning, I hit a chip right at the hole and got absolutely no credit for hitting the flagstick (replay on site). On bug report they want to know what actually happened. I hit the ball a little too hard and when it hit the flagstick it shattered into several pieces. I got a splinter in my finger but my caddy ducked and turned just before the stick hit him. He's now sporting woodies on both ends. For the good news, he has 9 women careing for him.

  • dfDurbs
    1,061 Posts
    Tue, May 22 2012 8:30 AM



    This is under the hole?





    Lets zoom in...


    go to the thread here and post it..the forensic experts, "Muldy and Scully" will explain all.

    As you can see from the pics above, the ball is clearly in a parallel dimension, so is the hole. In the WGT universe, up is down, left is right, suck is blow and unfortunately this can be inverted again, rendering your senses null and void. I'd suggest a seance to try and contact the WGT team, but I fear they don't "speaker de engrish" or they have all left their universe we thought they were in and gone to the" Baseball universe" in the dimension of Facebook, where they thought they would spend all the $'s they earned from robbing you of balls etc on shares in the Facebook dimension, but they forgot the the universal rule...your shares may go up as well as down and hopefully they will learn that in our univers, gravity sucks