The point of resetting is to give us all, including the programmers, a chance to reassess how certain changes in the game are affecting the overall performance of the players. The stats were reset when it left closed beta mode into public beta, and considering the scope of the changes made in the last few days, it seems like a natural point to reset the numbers.
For players(like me) who care about stats, it's important to have some baseline point with which to test things like driving distance, greens in regulation, sand saves, etc. I have over 550 rounds logged here, so any changes in my stats are miniscule at this point. It becomes very hard to guage just how much different the driving distances are with the new drivers overall etc.
Also, the scoring of the top 10 was based on everyone playing the same 9 holes, and since that's changed, it's important that we reset the averages so we can all get a fresh grip on where we're at without having to think about maintianing some average based on a past system. With the extended score history provided to us now, it will be very easy to ascertain who is shooting what, where, and how often.
Then again, if you're a player who doesn't care about the numbers, then you certainly wouldn't have an objection to having them wiped out. The only ones who will resist such a notion will be the ones who are clinging onto things they don't want to lose. To this I say: I have the most of anyone to lose by resetting the numbers, and if I'm willing to let them go...