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Newbie "Just For Fun" Player Needs Help

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Thu, Jun 28 2012 2:24 PM (13 replies)
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  • patsfangr
    2 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 5:08 AM

    Hi all! I'm brand new to this game, and enjoy it on a "just for fun" level. I'm not going to be putting money in it to upgrade equipment, etc. But I would like some help in getting past a couple of problems I'm having, even at this level, with the basics.

    The most important is what appears to me to be serious inconsistency with the meter for hitting shots. Wedges, in particular, seem almost impossible on chips and pitches out of the rough. Unless the green line is stopped right ON the center line, the shots are invariably left short, and still in the rough. What am I doing wrong?

    The putter also seems to be unreasonably demanding of "quick finger-eye coordination".

    I have almost no problem with the driver. I'm in the fairway nearly every time, albeit very short, because, as I said, I'm playing with the basic equipment. But I can deal with that.

    Also, it seems that I can sometimes hit a 3W or Utility wood with a perfect stop on the line, yet get just over half of the club's advertised difference. ???

    Does it make any difference where you have the cursor when you START the takeaway?

    As you can see, I have a lot of confusion; and, for reasons unknown, the video tutorials will not run for me. They just stall when I hit the play button.

    What information, or suggestions for a thorough tutorial, can any of you provide for me? Any and all "beginner tips" for the scroll bar, and club use, will be appreciated.

    Thanks for your attention! Have fun. And good luck to those of who are good enough (and wealthy enough) to compete! :-)

    - George



  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 5:18 AM


    that's the thing with basic clubs, if you don't hit it perf (even then) they will spray. that's because they are not precise by nature. same for putter, any miss will spray.

    higher end equipment is much different:.


  • GaryKoop
    149 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 5:35 AM

    Basic clubs for the open Q?

    Try and "have some fun" on other courses, you might get to grips with distances.


    Your wedges 100 yds on a green thats 34ft elevated!  Hmmmm   lol

  • nyctc7
    160 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 7:34 AM

    Yah, doing the US Open Qualifer with its very long Par 4's and tournament speed greens is going to be frustrating if you're just starting out. 

    Quick tips

    Add or subtract 1 yd of distance for each yard of elevation,or example, if you are 150 yards to the hole and it is 6 feet "up", treat it as a 152 yard shot, then account for wind. 

    Add or subtract 1 foot for each inch of elevation when putting, for example if it is 15 feet to the cup  and 2 inches "down" treat it as a 13 foot putt. Inside of 10 feet hit it a little harder, green speed has less of an effect, and inside 3 feet you can ram the ball in, though if there is a severe break you will want to aim a little. 

    On standard speed greens you don't have to compensate, any other speed see this thread:

    If the meter is too fast consider buying a ball with "feel" (see the stats of the balls in the pro shop). Feel slows the meter down. but if you don't want to send the $$ I guess that's not an option. 

    There are two putting methods, the % method and the avatar movement method. The % method means figurng out how much % of the meter to use for a given shot, 25%, 30%, 60%, whatever. This is where the putter pal can come in handy. The avatar movement method is decribed in Putting Tips under FAQs to the right of this screen. Essentially, notice that your avatar (your player) draws back the putter a certain number of times. Divide that by the putting scale and you will know how far you will hit the ball after figuring in the elevation and green speed. For example, if you figure your "effective" putting distance is 12 feet (i.e., a 14 ft putt with 2 inch down elevation on a standard green) and one movement on your scale is 12 feet , use that one movement. If one movement represents 6 feet, draw back the putter 2 movements. And so on.

    Pitching, chipping: The distances are different. Chipping you figure "normally" but pitches have more power, for example if you are pitching from the fairway you need to subtract several yards, see Chip and Pitch tips under "FAQs" on the right side of this page. If you are in any rough over 25% you will want to pitch instead of chip unless you are only a couple feet or less off the green, then chipping is ok. 

    The flop shot is great shot to use when in a greenside bunker, just aim well left as the flop shot naturally goes right.

    "Does it make any difference where you have the cursor when you START the takeaway?"

    If I understand this question, I don't think so. If you mean the cursor that says "swing" as you draw it back, no, I don't think it makes difference what it's position is on the screen. Whatever is comfortable for you. 

    Good luck and have fun!

  • dhbuddy
    18 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 10:54 AM

    Hi, I am a new newbie too, great questions and answers, they helped me. I have a couple more. How can i best choose what courses, challenges ect... to practice my game. My average right now is astronomical, I will never be able to bring it down to respectability by doing what i am. I do plan to invest a little to upgrade my equipment but not right away. I have read alot of the post in forum, they help. So if any of you can remember back to when you first started, maybe you can give me some pointers on how to get my average down & how is the best way to practice as a beginner. I do watch the instructional videos, but maybe i missed some. thanks - dhbuddy

  • skibag
    155 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 1:02 PM

    the only thing you can do is keep practising man,you'l get there and then when you eventualy get there,they move you up a tier and it gets hard all over again!!ha ha,you can do the free surveys to get enough credits for some handy clubs,kinda takes a while but worth it,your average will shoot down as you go dont worry,enjoy


  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 1:14 PM


    Also, it seems that I can sometimes hit a 3W or Utility wood with a perfect stop on the line, yet get just over half of the club's advertised difference. ???

    Does it make any difference where you have the cursor when you START the takeaway?

    Much depends on the lie of the ball and elevation of the area you are hitting to as well as if you are hitting into the wind or with the wind.

    Also play some rounds off your tees, the Open Qual is from the back tees only.

    RE: The cursor do you mean the aim or swing?

    Aim indicator yes, swing indicator no.

  • nyctc7
    160 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2012 2:43 PM

     How can i best choose what courses, challenges ect... to practice my game. My average right now is astronomical

    Same as above--if you see in your score history it says "All Players" rather than your specific tier than most likely you are playing from tees beyond what is normal for your tier and green speeds that are faster than is normal for your tier. (This is not aways true, but for someone just starting out, it will be.)

     Try Kiwah Island, St. Andrews, Bethpage

    Kiwah, generally the winds aren't too strong and it's not that difficult, though it does get difficult in later tiers (don't worry about that now)

    St. Andrews because of the huge greens it's hard to miss them, but these "links" courses tend to be windy.

    Bethpage because many of the greens don't have severe breaks.

  • dhbuddy
    18 Posts
    Thu, Jun 14 2012 10:53 PM

    Wow! what a big dif. I didnt play that bad when i first started playing real golf at 8 years old & i never felt that much stress on an actual golf course. I was playing the hardest courses from the back tees. I got a good laugh at myself, i was navigating the site all wrong, thanks guys for all your help & input. I'm having so much more fun & i got my average down 12 strokes after just 27 holes. It takes special people to help others so thank you all again. I hope i am able to help someone with the game in the future.

  • GaryKoop
    149 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2012 7:13 AM

    Nice one!  Glad you got going, there are some nice people here to help..........But



    Some people are like slinkies. Not much good for anything but bring a smile to your face when you push them downstairs!

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