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Major programming error..

Mon, Jun 18 2012 4:26 PM (25 replies)
  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Mon, Jun 18 2012 12:29 PM

    the same has happend to me in the past on a smaller scale.

    its happend to bolloxinbruges too on a similar scale.your shot was wild and not right i think you have been robbed of a hole in one there mate.

    unless there is mad under ground tunnels on st georges that belt your ball 300 yards or so off the course.

    plus a lost ball i expect not good at all :(

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Jun 18 2012 12:42 PM


    the same has happend to me in the past on a smaller scale.

    its happend to bolloxinbruges too on a similar scale.your shot was wild and not right i think you have been robbed of a hole in one there mate.

    unless there is mad under ground tunnels on st georges that belt your ball 300 yards or so off the course.

    plus a lost ball i expect not good at all :(

    Wgt sorted it out...maybe because of your inputt (no pun intended) Tx all...Andy

  • GolfDum
    396 Posts
    Mon, Jun 18 2012 12:46 PM


    Looking into it, obviously there is a surface error.  

    Just FYI.....This is nothing new, it's been happening for quite some time.  Here's another one.

    I have also had it happen twice.

    That's not the only issue either. I have had pin hits that bounce back at me twice as far as where I am hitting from on soft approaches. Another surface error I assume? Thanks for looking into it.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Mon, Jun 18 2012 1:43 PM

    I started a thread about this a long time ago and since then I have seen repeats of this weirdness. WGT should really check their calculations. 

  • pjctas0822
    4,615 Posts
    Mon, Jun 18 2012 1:57 PM

    That was sick !

  • GolfDum
    396 Posts
    Mon, Jun 18 2012 2:04 PM


    Why all the hate man? That in fact did happen to a Deviation and respectfully one of the best. Velocity seems about the same to me. It went well over 100 yards out of the hole.

    What gives you the idea that these things don't happen to a particular country club? That is delusional thinking. The same things happen to us that happen to other people. We don't get any special treatment or "special programming." Seriously, get a hold on reality.

    I don't expect that just because I belong to a particular club that i will get any better treatment that anyone else. I was simply showing WGTadmin that it wasn't just an issue with that hole. I am entitled to try to be just as helpful as the next person.

    The fact that you have no grasp on who I am and know nothing about my play yet you have chosen to not like me is your prerogative but to each his own.

    Thanks for posting, I guess.

  • WGTwildcat
    648 Posts
    Mon, Jun 18 2012 3:00 PM

    Hey guys, let's keep everything respectful in here... Thanks in advance for helping us do that.