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I need help with the iWi Anser Series Putter from PING

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Sat, Jul 9 2011 6:47 PM (16 replies)
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  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Mon, Apr 26 2010 6:42 AM

    *edit*  deleted because of duplicate...

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Mon, Apr 26 2010 6:44 AM

    Yeah, yeah. WHY does it curve?

    less forgiveness and not a 'pure' hit.... when you hit it early it will curve left... when you hit it late, it will curve right.  If you want straight, you have to hit it right on the line.

    Hold the boat here a minute.... you say it curves on a flat green?  No amount of mishit will make this happen!  Mishits with the putter usually only cause pushes and pulls from the intended target line.  If you are seeing it break after the fact, it's due to two things only, break of the green, or a really strong wind (depending on the length of the putt)  So either you're reading the green wrong or you're not factoring a substantial wind into the equation...

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Apr 26 2010 7:33 AM

    Hold the boat here a minute.... you say it curves on a flat green?  No amount of mishit will make this happen!  

    Are you sure?

    12 ft putt, low winds, fast green, BP #2, Redwood putter.  Very slight right to left break, hit it hard enough and ding it, it goes in.  Pulled it intentionally and it curved.  Pushed it and it went straight, but maybe slicing it against the break made it go that way??  Give it a try Lee.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Apr 26 2010 7:39 AM

    you're not factoring a substantial wind into the equation...

    Do you find that this wind affect happens on all the putting scales or just when you use the 150 or 300 scales for the really long putts? Is there a particular length for you where you begin considering the wind? It would seem the long putts might be affected but what is long with regard to the wind affect?  Tx.

    @andy-Nice look at the putts. It was pointed out long ago that missing on the low side of the break will always miss. The putt is immediately affected by the slope, hence the curve. Dinging is always best but pushing will sometimes get you there because of exactly what you mused-against the break tends to flatten it out.

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Mon, Apr 26 2010 8:11 AM


    Are you sure?

    12 ft putt, low winds, fast green, BP #2, Redwood putter.  Very slight right to left break, hit it hard enough and ding it, it goes in.  Pulled it intentionally and it curved.  Pushed it and it went straight, but maybe slicing it against the break made it go that way??  Give it a try Lee.

    Yup, I'm pretty sure.  I think the result of what you are seeing here is actually the result of running those putts at different angles across the slight right to left break that you mentioned.  But for the sake of the argument, I will try it out.  I have been known to be wrong in the past.


  • Face215
    2 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2011 3:16 PM

    Does anybody know for each time this putter is raised the distance it is to travel? I understand there's 15 - 300 ft, does anybody have the distance for each time the club goes up?

  • floppy131
    87 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2011 6:47 PM

    I use the same putter the iWi Anser its a good putter, you just have to learn it.  when your on the fringe the putter is always going to be at 150ft. have never run into 300ft. yet.


    15ft. = around 6ft per click

    30ft= around 8ft per click

    60ft= around 12ft per click

    anything over that your sucking.. Thats my guess ta mint.


    I love this putter you just have to use it and learn it, and the distance on each putt, most people will move the flag thing to putt you know the distance and yardage, I dont I use the dots on the green and the lye. And my putting is somewhat good. I used alot of putters on here and found this one to be a good putter which I still have and wont get rid off.

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