Infinito3010: Your video drivers are just as important
I concur. Most definately. you OP mentioned all drivers with a link for all drivers though and that was what i replied to.
Since flash uses available memory, your video card should be driven to its optimum.
Some have onboard video and regular windows updates will be fine.
The new i generation of CPU includes video now too!
Infinito3010: As for the control panel providing you detailed information about your computer, does it give your motherboard make and model?
No, A simple tool like 'speccy' will be enough for that. Most people dont need to know the available upgrade slots or how many PCI-e slots they have.
However to ascertain your CPU and Memory the CP is enough.
WIN7 uses 2gb just to run with Aero enabled etc. If your Win7 pc has 2gb, you are going to have meter issues. If you have AntiVirus running and maybe MSN or Skype or some other thing going , you should be ramped up to 4Gb of memory, which in this day, should be the NORM.
Infinito3010: but sometimes giving information, since I am computer illiterate, may do more harm than good.
This is also true. However apart from analysis programs and all the tech 'know how' basics of running your copy of Windows is simply taken fro granted for mist people.
Then, they get into a situation like WGT which demands no crap is running and you should have ample memory.
Suddenly we realise - perhaps this pc isn't all the sales guy said it was & maybe we should have spent that extra $200 on the other one.
Infinito3010: Just a foot note about video drivers and adobe flash.
Nice. But still superfluous for the needs of WGT'rs
one simple thing to do and a lot of people don't do it is close all other tabs and just have the gameclient open.
This indicates a severe lack of memory.
I have FFox open as well as Chrome - Email, Skype, calculator.. and what not happening.
I dont turn off Loop. I do enable background loading.
I have 8gb memory on and old C2D 8500 - I do however, have a GTX560TI video card.
plim: and uninstall any programs you no longer use or need, half the time you don't know whats running in the background and using up a chunk of the cpu
Its not necessarily the programs you have installed. It is the program windows boots with - running in memory.
A simple check is to look at all the icons down there by the windows clock, how many of these do you NEED running everytime you start Windows?
Printer ink managers - msn - cam/ image managers - all kinds of things not needed to start with windows.
A fav program of mine is CCleaner - not only does it clean up old and unecessary files from your PC, it will maintain a sharp registry (be sure to back up) and it also includes a Startup Manager to see exactly what IS starting up with windows.
Read the entries in Start Up - you should be able to recognise what the entries are and disable the ones you dont need running. If you are unsure - leave it alone or google search it.
(Piriform also do 'speccy', that i mentioned earlier)
Ram/ memory...
...its all about the available memory.