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Player Reputation Option Idea

Thu, Jul 5 2012 6:46 AM (18 replies)
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    291 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2012 4:05 AM

    PLAYER REPUTATION (the option is already there, but not currently enabled)

    1. Players can give other players Star Ratings depending on how sportsmanlike and fair they consider them to be. I suggest a five star system - No Star = Unrated 1 Star = Bad, 2 Stars = Poor, 3 Stars = Average, 4 Stars = Good, 5 Stars = Excellent; 

    2. Only players with five or more ratings would be marked with an average rating - otherwise they would simply be marked with a default No Star (Unrated.)

    3. Players can then use the Reputation Option to decide to only play players with an average rating of 5, 4, 3, 2 or No Stars (Unrated.) 

    4. Players with an average rating of 1 Star (Bad) would be effectively disqualified from being automatically matched to match play seeks, etc., thereby greatly improving the experience and enjoyment of the majority of players on WGT.


  • Lmorgan007
    408 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2012 4:41 AM

    Good idea in principle but would need checks and balances to avoid abuse.   Currently when I beat a sandbagger/quitter all I have to worry about is a stream of abuse from the person who's underhand scam has just failed.  It would be very tempting for them to give me a one star rating in a fit of pique, even though they are the *** who just quit/swore/acted like a baby etc.

    This could be avoided if only the winner gets to give a rating on the loser?

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2012 5:33 AM

    There was a program introduced in 2009 then removed because it didn't work. Use the search box over there and you can find the old threads on it. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • nyctc7
    160 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2012 5:41 AM

    Better, I think, to simply have a button that you can press to increase the player's reputation, but not one that can decrease it, nor have a muti-star rating system.

    Somewhere on the screen you will see the number of multi-player games the member has completed, and a bar that increases in length for every positive vote. 

    If you are able to vote negatively, it will just descend into a tit-for-tat  war.

    A star system is just too subjective, better to just either increase the player's rep or not at all.


    Edited to add: At the suggestion of the poster above I did just now do a search and can see that it can be a rather complicated issue. There are many factors and unintended consequences to consider.  


    291 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2012 5:46 AM

    Good points.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2012 6:02 AM

    Somewhere on the screen you will see the number of multi-player games the member has completed

    MisterWGT alluded to an upcoming tool that would show a player's won/lost record by tier, among other things. His thought was that players would no longer be able to hide their wins, making it easier to identify the unscrupulous types. That would be a nice start to getting back to the reputation idea.

  • Santa28
    7 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2012 7:40 AM

    I disagree Jim leave people alone.

  • Spacklero
    386 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2012 11:28 AM

    Rep tracking was a terrible glad they pulled it and hope it stays that way.

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2012 11:31 AM


    I disagree Jim leave people alone.

    ur post is ambiguous & leaves space for misinterpretation

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