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New Owners Tools

Fri, Jun 29 2012 9:29 AM (15 replies)
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  • Hewsey
    1,958 Posts
    Thu, Jun 28 2012 8:58 PM

    Congrats to  WGT been whining about this for a while. I can now in one fell swoop contact all members. Now if we could only send e mail and identify only the members we want to send to. Am I getting greedy?? 

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 3:55 AM


    Congrats to  WGT been whining about this for a while. I can now in one fell swoop contact all members. Now if we could only send e mail and identify only the members we want to send to. Am I getting greedy?? 

    WGT / ANYBODY,,,HEEEEEELP.  When I try to send out a member wide email I get a pop-up saying - " This message could not be sent".  WGT - ANYBODY ?????

  • EagleEyes1
    480 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 8:36 AM




    Enjoy and thanks for the kind note - these upgrades were based on the feedback from the players.

    So any word on when the fix will come for those CC owners who are unable to delete posts in the forum? Mine is getting pretty full with very old dead threads with no way of deleting. Thanks

    Huh ? You can delete old posts now . I just checked and I have always been able to delete posts in the CC forum as the owner.

    But they totally screwed up the Leader board Standings see other thread .

    There are some owners that are unable to delete posts. There is no option for us. It mostly affects those owners who have been "transferred" ownership. WGT knows about the problem, but are apparently taking their time to fix it. Very frustrating.

  • Bidi
    1,948 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 8:36 AM

    When I try to send out a member wide email I get a pop-up saying - " This message could not be sent".  WGT - ANYBODY ?????

    my one works perfectly.....   i have no idea OTE..


    TY WGT!!!!!!!!!!

  • happyman123uk
    1,242 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 9:13 AM

    Great Job WGT love the new tools but two things missing 1 is the ability to remove a none payment tournament by members who put a week long tournament on then leave the club thats just an example for why  need it,and 2 a timer per shot for tournaments any chance of these 2 being included in future updates.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 9:29 AM





    Enjoy and thanks for the kind note - these upgrades were based on the feedback from the players.

    So any word on when the fix will come for those CC owners who are unable to delete posts in the forum? Mine is getting pretty full with very old dead threads with no way of deleting. Thanks

    Huh ? You can delete old posts now . I just checked and I have always been able to delete posts in the CC forum as the owner.

    But they totally screwed up the Leader board Standings see other thread .

    There are some owners that are unable to delete posts. There is no option for us. It mostly affects those owners who have been "transferred" ownership. WGT knows about the problem, but are apparently taking their time to fix it. Very frustrating.

    I was transferred ownership and I guess I am lucky because it works for me.

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