thats true,but at least i never quit,i ll keep trying to make legend,as you said early in your comments,you should of waited,well i guess i am wiser and waiting. i dont using any funny gadgets and remember easy to state something,very hard to prove it, wgt proved it to you and i txt you there you worry about your game and stop worry about other players,i ve always said you where good golfer,just need to learn to stop showing off,i dont mind losing to anyone,but lose fair and not unfair ok....i am not the only one complaining on this game but i can say i play fair and honest,if you cant handle some playing a good game fair then i am sorry,get a grip. if i had all these so called gadgets i would be playing skins and always winning,my average for driving would be 100 due to couldnt miss a fairway,.......i am not the one that shot a 26,so i would wonder what gadgets you are using,becuase you always hitting the ding never missing everytime i call you you saying missed the ding but can hear the ding in back ground funny.....anyway like they always say a cheat will be caught and he is only cheating himself no one else