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Fri, Mar 7 2014 3:22 PM (35 replies)
  • StormTigers
    264 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 4:45 PM


    Have I pleaded like a big wuss enough ?

    The single most infuriating thing in WGT is the inability to SELECT CORRECT BALL types during a game.  I have a supply of better than WGT Starter crap in my so called virtual bag !

    Why in God's Name does this default back to Starters when you lose a ball or one runs out ? The balls are presented in a semblance of order for mercy's sake let it choose the next appropriate ball from the bag of similar type and stop reverting to Starter balls.

    I play shots planning to stop the ball near the pin !

    My skills at rolling one 40 metres with no hope of stopping it with a Starter ball got left in the same golf bag that Ieft the Starter Clubs !



  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 5:11 PM

    Because it's the rules of golf. The one ball rule.

    The "one ball condition" requires the player to use the exact same brand and type of ball throughout the round. For example, if you tee off the first hole with a Titleist Pro V1x, then that's what you must play throughout the round. You may not switch to any other brand of ball, nor even to any other type of Titleist ball. You started with the Pro V1x, so the Pro V1x is what you must use on every stroke.

    Wgt allows you to carry on the round with a starter ball. It's either that or disqualification. Which would you rather have?

    1,189 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 5:47 PM

    And it basically forces you to restock when you're left with just a single ball. Don't think instant refills are in the rule book, so why not make it less hard to finish a round and simply switch to the next type. It's still a game (greatest ever) and games are supposed to be more fun than frustration.  

  • StormTigers
    264 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 6:29 PM


    There nothing in the Rules of Golf that prevents you switching to a different brand of golf ball on every hole on the course - so long as the change is made between the play of holes. However, there is something in the Rules of Golf that says a tournament committee can impose such a rule.

    Okay so they set the rules even when I am competing in my own Tournament where I set the rules ?

    Or when I am playing a practice round not in a Tournament ?

    And does that same rule say that the ball must be the same colour as I have 2 different colored balls of the same brand  that DON'T SHOW UP as being the same ball type when you go to select your balls. So I can't vary the colour even though they are both WGT Tour-SD balls ?

    We aren't playing golf outside for $1,000,000 first prize on the USPGA Tour - we are hitting a virtual ball around a virtual golf course !

    Alrighty . Fine - let's play by the rules.


    You can't change to starter balls then - sorry - end of game - breaking the rules of golf !

    How many happy campers are there now ?  Not many I will wager !


    It's not about the Rules of Golf and your kidding yourself if you think it is.

    It's about trying to sell you some balls whilst your on the course for more than what they sell them before entering a game.  I lost 2 balls in a row because of severe meter jump and I freely acknowledge that's not WGT's fault whatsoever.

    But did I get the 5 minutes search time when my ball flies into the weeds like Tiger and Ernie get when there ball flies off the fairway and into the rough stuff ? They don't like the penalty applied so of course the caddy and the player go for a look see ! Nope you don't get to search for it - it's just gone into Never Never Land where Peter Pan and the Captain Hook have a "second hand ball" stall set up outside the gates to the course !

    I'm sorry but as much as I enjoy the game and the many friendships I have formed on here I get VERY hot under the collar at the continual blatant additional profit making little nuances they have programmed in.




  • dchallenger
    545 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 6:36 PM


    And it basically forces you to restock when you're left with just a single ball. Don't think instant refills are in the rule book, so why not make it less hard to finish a round and simply switch to the next type. It's still a game (greatest ever) and games are supposed to be more fun than frustration.  

    PUHOLINO, do you play this wonderful game in real life?

    just wunnerin'...


    d.  :)

  • PhilA2
    441 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 6:40 PM

    And all balls hit out of bounds ARE NOT LOST BALLS!!!

  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 7:07 PM

    When I get down to my last ball (the type i'm playing with at that time) It always ask me if i won't somemore of those particular ball and I say yes.

  • StormTigers
    264 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 7:13 PM

    Valid point lonnie BUT as I mentioned above if I have 9 tour-sd balls and they are the same ball same brand but different colour in 3 sets it won't let me choose those.

    they all appear as separate ball selections.

    Therefore I have to go for some more of the same colour even though I have 9 of them and pay more than I would just for the convenience of using a few extra lines of code from within a game.

    No Profiteering and Dumb is what it is !

  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 7:21 PM

    Yes, if they are the same kind of ball that doesn't seem right not to let you play them.

  • rickotrick
    1 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 7:38 PM

    this happens to all of us, just make sure you have enough BALLS when you play...