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Fri, Mar 7 2014 3:22 PM (35 replies)
  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 10:54 PM

    They just need to make so we can select a ball for default instead of starter balls. Like if you want a certain ball for default should be a setting in equipment to set it that way, so when you run out if you have extras set as that default it will go to that.

    Like the same way a browser can be set a default browser if you have multiple ones.

    Lets say someone has 3 callaways, and then has like 60 wgt GI3-D balls, and wants to use the callaways. They can put the wgt GI3-D balls as default. That does not sound hard to program into the game.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 11:11 PM

    Then play with the 60 you have.

    Rules are rules...I do however agree if it's a single player practice round, fine.

    But many (non WGT) tourneys are run in practice mode, so the one ball rule needs to stand.

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 11:46 PM

    Sounds to me that people are taking this virtual golf as it is real golf. Not likely at all. So making a rule to a something that is not exactly the same thing, does not make sense. No matter how much you make the rules as you say they should be on this game its still not real golf. Virtual is virtual, nothing more.

    Its not like on a real course, that they will kick you out for doing it on a virtual game. It sounds a little weird expecting this game to be real as golf in reality, when its not.

    I am not holding a club in my hand and putting a ball on tee with my hands. So this game is not the same.

    Also, if you look in golf rule books. It does not say in there that virtual games online has to made exactly the same. Does not even have anything about virtual golf games.

    Answer this then. What is the point of having a suggestion section on this forum if they are going to go by the exact rules of the real golf game?

  • StormTigers
    264 Posts
    Sun, Jul 29 2012 12:18 AM

    +1 to that suggestion - let player set his default ball !

    I would much rather default to a little bit better WGT Tour-SD than the lump of rock starter.

    Nothing more infuriating than being half way through having a good round and bam your back to starter balls.

     Either that or make sure the coloured ball is recognised as being the same as the white Tour-SD.  Incidentally the same situation occurs with quality balls !

    I was given some Callaway I(s) VAPOR when I normally use just I(s) balls. It's the same friggin ball except one leaves imaginary contrails. Not as far as the "ball type" rule goes it would appear. On the 14th in a CC tournament I lost a ball in the weeds through meter jump. I was on -6. I had 6 x I(s) in the bag and couldn't use them.

    I end up with starter "rocks" on High Winds and Tournament Greens and +2 result.

    Bad golfer blaming his tools ? Maybe ? Stupid game applying stupid rules ? Definitely.

  • Lyrac
    177 Posts
    Sun, Jul 29 2012 3:20 AM

    any one would think you never buy balls. why not just take the offer when the in game pop up tells you youre on the last one because you know already what happens when you run out

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, Jul 29 2012 4:28 AM


    +1 to that suggestion - let player set his default ball !

    I think that is a reasonable request Storm and would not be hard for WGT to set up.

    As for someone else who commented earlier about "this not being real golf so why try to play it like it is"  Sorry but that has to be one of the silliest statements I have heard in quite some time......

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sun, Jul 29 2012 7:08 AM

    Sorry but it's still the rules that WGT have set so we gotta stick by them.

    Just keep to the same ball all the time. Chopping & changing to different balls every other round is why players struggle so much with judging distances. Then they come here in forums and scream foul play on wgt's part when they get shots not going as far as or further than they expected.

  • StormTigers
    264 Posts
    Sun, Jul 29 2012 4:35 PM

    And I agree Dazza - only reason I swap is don;t like 2 shot Callaway's going in the drink when I play the odd blitz so I keep a supply of cheaper SD's for those games.

    Still even if we say yes we have to go by their rules, fact is though that don't identify the "virtual variants" of a ball brand (vapour trail or coloured) which are exactly the same ball with the same characteristics just some dolly features AS BEING THE SAME.

    That I believe is wrong !

  • dustin8538
    6 Posts
    Sun, Jul 29 2012 8:16 PM

    All I ask that sometimes I will have a starter ball selected because I have been practicing etc. and I join a tourney and it is single play.  I forget to replace that starter ball with my normal gamer and now I am stuck with a starter for entire round when I have a bag full of Nikes.  It would be nice to have the one time ball selection at the first tee.  Just my 0.02 cents

  • Bizzalls
    21 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 12:29 PM


    Because it's the rules of golf. The one ball rule.

    The "one ball condition" requires the player to use the exact same brand and type of ball throughout the round. For example, if you tee off the first hole with a Titleist Pro V1x, then that's what you must play throughout the round. You may not switch to any other brand of ball, nor even to any other type of Titleist ball. You started with the Pro V1x, so the Pro V1x is what you must use on every stroke.

    Wgt allows you to carry on the round with a starter ball. It's either that or disqualification. Which would you rather have?


    It is not actually a rule.  It can however be a condition set by a tournament committee [ or a local rule also].

    See FAQ at USGA website:

    This is a common lament here. But, since we are presumed to be playing in "ranked rounds", WGT can set the condition.  WGT could just as easily undo a "one ball condition" and operate within the rules.


    One Ball Condition

    Q.  What does the "One Ball Condition" mean?

    A.  The Rules of Golf do not require a player to use the same brand and type of golf ball throughout the stipulated round. A player may use a different ball to start each hole. However, the Committee may adopt as a Condition of a Competition, the "One Ball Condition." When this condition is adopted, players are required to use the same brand and type of golf ball throughout the stipulated round. Please refer to Appendix 1; Part C; 1 (Specification of the Ball).