Sounds to me that people are taking this virtual golf as it is real golf. Not likely at all. So making a rule to a something that is not exactly the same thing, does not make sense. No matter how much you make the rules as you say they should be on this game its still not real golf. Virtual is virtual, nothing more.
Its not like on a real course, that they will kick you out for doing it on a virtual game. It sounds a little weird expecting this game to be real as golf in reality, when its not.
I am not holding a club in my hand and putting a ball on tee with my hands. So this game is not the same.
Also, if you look in golf rule books. It does not say in there that virtual games online has to made exactly the same. Does not even have anything about virtual golf games.
Answer this then. What is the point of having a suggestion section on this forum if they are going to go by the exact rules of the real golf game?