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Fri, Mar 7 2014 3:22 PM (35 replies)
  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 12:53 PM


    It would be nice to have the one time ball selection at the first tee.

    That would indeed be nice.  I have no problem with the default ball being the freebie, if you run out of your tourney ball during a round that's your fault, I agree with Dazza 100%.  I have however played CC tourneys for fun with inferior balls and clicker Tee Off in a big tournament the next day before remembering to change back.  

    I can see why we can't select our clubs on the first tee, no pro goes out there with a trailer full of gear but being able to select the ball would be great.

    Having said that, we can clearly see our equipment on the main page, if we go starting a tournament without checking what's in the bag we really only have ourselves to blame.  And I know this is off topic from the OP, just me rambling on a bit.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,604 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 2:55 PM

    I believe that during the round, WGT warns you that this is the last ball of this type and allows you to go back into the pro shop to add those to your bag.

    My only issue with this is that if you end up with a lot of different balls and want to play them out it makes it tough and it goes back to the standard.  My solution to that is to use them up in a few rounds of blitz for fun.

  • StormTigers
    264 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 3:54 PM

    Yes tarheels. My issue is with the fact that they don't identify "same balls" in your bag because they are a different color or have vapor trails bioth of which are purely just window dressing on a particular ball brand OR standard if you like.


    ie Callaway I(s) Vapor has same function performance as I(s) Non VaporWGT

    Tour-SD (Blue) is same as Tour-SD (White)

    Why then are they regarded as different balls ?

    Shock horror if someone presented on the circuit using colored balls based on a sponsor deal - would they be banned from using different colored versions of the same ball ?

  • BiggeJim
    2 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 4:49 PM

    I just bought a new putter & some balls & can't even get them in my bag, why & HELP.

  • 100plus
    801 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 5:15 PM

    I believe there is an edit your equip option before any game so the onus is on the player ,simple

  • paddy170348
    100 Posts
    Wed, Mar 5 2014 12:32 PM

    if you have balls in your bag you should be allowed to choose one as they have already been purchased, how can anyone say equip with enough balls, how do we know how many we will use this rule is stupid and should be changed

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Mar 5 2014 2:36 PM

    It's about trying to sell you some balls whilst your on the course for more than what they sell them before entering a game.

    Not true.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Mar 6 2014 6:55 AM

     Obviously WGT is the tournament comittee enforcing the rule. I'm fine with that. I'm also fine with the leniency WGT has shown in allowing us to complete the rounds with the starter ball instead of an automatic disqualification.

    I'm fine with the way things work in most competitions right now. What I'm not comfortable with is the fact that they are enforcing it in practice and club competitions in direct conflict with the rules.

    The following is directly quoted frome USGA Rule 15-1. I put the last two sentences in bold print to highlight what I'm referring to.

    When changing balls, the player is permitted to substitute a ball of another brand or type unless the Committee has adopted the One Ball Condition of Competition (see Appendix I; Part C; Section 1c). This optional condition (usually referred to as ‘The One Ball Rule’) is generally adopted only in events that are limited to professional golfers or highly-skilled amateur golfers. Generally, this condition of competition is not adopted in club-level competitions.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Mar 6 2014 7:26 AM


     Obviously WGT is the tournament comittee enforcing the rule. I'm fine with that. I'm also fine with the leniency WGT has shown in allowing us to complete the rounds with the starter ball instead of an automatic disqualification.

    I'm fine with the way things work in most competitions right now. What I'm not comfortable with is the fact that they are enforcing it in practice and club competitions in direct conflict with the rules.

    The following is directly quoted frome USGA Rule 15-1. I put the last two sentences in bold print to highlight what I'm referring to.

    When changing balls, the player is permitted to substitute a ball of another brand or type unless the Committee has adopted the One Ball Condition of Competition (see Appendix I; Part C; Section 1c). This optional condition (usually referred to as ‘The One Ball Rule’) is generally adopted only in events that are limited to professional golfers or highly-skilled amateur golfers. Generally, this condition of competition is not adopted in club-level competitions.

    Totally agree about practice rounds. We should be able to change the ball on every shot to anything we want if we feel like it. It's practice.

    Now the CC Tourney I don't agree but I have a plausible theory as to why. The CC Tourneys are weighted exactly the same in our stats and averages as WGT Tourneys as they are ranked rounds so the One Ball Condition must be enforced for continuity. What do you think, Plausible reason? Not trying to be contrary but it's the first thing that popped into my head  as far as how WGT might be looking at this.
