holy crap, meter is awful. 1st swing on the multi-round stroke play tournament...the cursor & meter resemble something like the movies where you see someone who has taken acid and they notice trails behind people's hands when they wave at them. well that's what my cursor was doing. I move the mouse quickly from right to left, the cursor takes it's sweet a$$ time and finally catches up to where I am. No bother, i just figure, "Ok, i guess this is what WGT is doing to "smooth" out the game.
Then I take my first shot. Meter is actually going fairly smooth. Not jumpy at all. Only problem is, instead of dinging CLOSE to the line, I click for the swing and it doesn't register until it's almost outside the blue hitting zone! I'm literally 40 yards off to the right on BPB#1 in all the trees.
The whole thing seems odd. Oh, not to mention, I can't F11 to go to full-screen anymore :confused: