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Pro Leading Monthly Earnings Leaderboard

Sun, Aug 12 2012 8:06 AM (25 replies)
  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 12:04 PM

    I think it has to do with the game being in a BETA state.

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 12:08 PM

    I think it has to do with the game being in

    The Toilet

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 2:50 PM



    Woohoo !


    complete joke

    ive never seen no prizes ,,,,no trips  ,,,no $2960,,,including i have spent over $3000.00 dollars on this site and won jack SH?T.

    so where are these so called prizes theres nothing,,the rest of us PAY for some other person to have a good time here and the rest of us get nothing.


    HERE WE TRYING AND TRYING and just watch this and shove it our face like its a true joke we are being USED for money and we win nothing while we pay REAL MONEY and get virtual scrap yard rubbish in return.

    thanks very much wgt a so suddenly hey $2960 dollars freaking BS and you know it as well.


    WOW..... $3k in 17 months! If you are in any kind of business, may I suggest getting a good CPA, sure you could get at least 50% write-off on your taxes, for entertainment expenses! STTA! ;)

    Have you considered these players w/$2k+ who are atop the money leader board, have won a "sweepstakes" drawing, associated w/the tourny? Nothing to do w/their scoring in a tournament, they just got lucky that their name was picked out of a hat!


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 4:46 PM

    That's the American way, the rich get richer, the poor go on welfare and what's left of the middle class pay for it all. I know, I have been a middle class working stiff all my life. Have never drawn an un-employment check, or a single welfare check. Never had food stamps, but I damn sure have paid for enough of them. I drive a Chevy Impala and follow people out of a grocery store, they just paid with food stamps and get into an Escalade or a Lexus. I don't hesitate to tell them what I think of them. 

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 5:01 PM


    so what the american banks do who went bust,,they used all the actual true workers of america and destroyed there house holds and boosted there repayments up they just couldnt pay,,which basically comes down paying of the banks debt what was created by the banks in the first place.

    you wonder why every true worker like your carpenter,, plumber,,electrician etc etc etc are living in a trailer park so suddenly.   

    Mr Esssy .  I have been here long enough and have seen you speak your mind .

    And I have seen you get the boot for it from WGT also .

    But there is so much truth to this quote .


  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 5:16 PM

    lol love you to prove this theory,,because if this person won on a random draw with the sweepstakes,,, i have never seen no sweepstakes being posted,,,i have never seen no trips anywhere and the only people who get this is a person who lives in the usa.

    so you have seen them, or haven't you?

    totally clueless!




  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 5:28 PM

    Closer to the hole "CTTH".......plenty of random drawing in there. The KLM Challenge is at the bottom too...."Win a trip to Hilversmoosh"

    There are occasions I wish I'd never started a thread. This one has just went completely off the rails.....from random sweeps winners to US banking debt & food stamps did this happen.


  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 5:53 PM

    i have spent over $3000.00 dollars on this site and won jack SH?T.

    Quit before you go bankrupt. That is totally unnecessary.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,586 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 6:02 PM

    YEAH TBE look what you started.

    In reality WGT could stop a lot of this talk by posting the winners of the random draws and other tournaments for us all to see.

    I have played with 3 people who told me that they won the US Open random drawing and today I saw that all three of them didn't win it.

    Come on WGT just put up an information topic in the forums that tell us the winners of the weekly, monthly, etc. tournaments it can't be that hard to do.  I hate to see people calling out a new honest player who just happens to be lucky enough to win a large prize.