why is it so hush hush anyway who the random winners are?
this is what fuels conspiracies lol.
would it be so difficult for wgt to add them in the "winners section" .....I mean that's why it's there right? to let folks know who the winners are.
the way it is just now is only leading to speculation.
i think anyone winning $1500 - $3500 prizes should be added to the winners section of the forum just so things are more transparent.
and mail esssy some prozac.
Yes... that's the Section... might get rid of the latest post that was closed for Replies
I agree Tbe... why keep the winners a big secret, unless Wgt has something to hide...
Whaaack.... it's ok I gave meself a backhand at my last statement...
We like to know the winners of any Tourny, regardless of Tiers :)
Don't know about prozac, but the big thing down here is Stillnox... I think that's what it is... sleeping tablets.....