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Just thinking

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Tue, Aug 14 2012 3:39 PM (12 replies)
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  • aftertherain
    651 Posts
    Mon, Aug 13 2012 1:37 PM

    With all the meter problems we been having and all the lost balls because of that last update WTG should give all players with new sleeves of balls, you and i know that it will cost them nothing to do it just to show that they care. like that would happen lol i lost about 6 balls because of it just saying.   

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Aug 13 2012 2:25 PM


    With all the meter problems we been having and all the lost balls because of that last update WTG should give all players with new sleeves of balls, you and i know that it will cost them nothing to do it just to show that they care. like that would happen lol i lost about 6 balls because of it just saying.   

    If you're looking for a culprit you'll have to ask Adobe for a sleeve - you think you get one?

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Mon, Aug 13 2012 3:12 PM

    I wonder how many times wgt says that adobe flash is to blame, and adobe admits it before someone here realizes that its not wgt fault? I guess never.

    I am not trying to defend wgt for anything, but you completely blindside them with nasty comments, when its adobe fault, and blame wgt for someone else issues, and still continue to do it. I can see why they would not do anything even if they could, because everyone here is just trying to receive something that they won't do in the first place, no matter how many times you cry for ball replacement. 

    Usually, what a child does when mother takes them shopping and all they do is, mom get this, mom get that, and won't stop until they actually get what they want.

    How many of these threads are there, and it still does nothing at all? More than I want to count. Whiners can complain, and that is what it is, "Complaining". Let them sit back and have there laugh. Cause I am too.

    Yes, just like any business that does math. giving balls for free to every single person for losing balls would take away the business, then there is no game for you to complain about. I guess you rather keep this up until there is no game left. Fine, then me and the others not in this thread can complain about why wgt shut down their site, when it does happen. I said "when" so don't take it out of text.

    Oh, and they can shut down the site any day or time, whenever they want, with out any kind of news about it. That is way online businesses work now a days.

    I am one that has not lost balls from the flash at all. I will not complain about losing balls for no reason. I learned to make it run with out complaining. I see that there are some rather complain, than actually do something themselves. I will say what I did, and that is using Maxthon 3 with no updates to flash at all. Runs fine and never lost one ball since the drama started weeks ago.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Aug 13 2012 11:12 PM


    The whiners can demand a sleeve from WGT but not from Adobe, that's the difference!

    But I'm glad to see (in another thread) that one has eventually taken his responsibility as his own PC administrator - he can play again now :))

  • Mrkewlohio
    28 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2012 12:29 AM

    So what? Does that mean we should quit playing til Adobe gets it's act together? B.S.!!

    Why can't WGT just roll back the upgrades until Adobe does "fix" the problem, and we the customer-players can once again enjoy playing this superb program....otherwise many many may just say to hell with it and totally quit playing period.

    Simple math.......less customers to buy equipment and/or balls = less money input.

    Yep very simple math.....

  • MikeyCritter
    77 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2012 7:40 AM


    With all the meter problems we been having and all the lost balls because of that last update WTG should give all players with new sleeves of balls, you and i know that it will cost them nothing to do it just to show that they care. like that would happen lol i lost about 6 balls because of it just saying.   

    I completely agree, and if you have conversed with any number of players on this site and are tired of  World Golf Tour, Inc.  controlling the game play dynamics, report them to your state of residency's gambling commission as controlling the game play dynamics when gambling or tournaments are offered with paid for credits, it is no different that a magnet on a roulette wheel, you may not see my postings any more as I did exactly that and Washington State has begun looking into the situation.  World Golf Tour, Inc. will find out soon enough and I will probably get banned.

  • ericchristine
    28 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2012 8:20 AM

    I agree with "aftertherain", I don't think W.G.T. really care just so long as we are stupid enough buying news ball's due to their problems.

    I think they should fix the problem and give every member who actually buy's new ball's on a regular basis, 12 free ball's of the highest quality.

    It would be nice as well if they were to actually answer email's which have been sent at their request 

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2012 1:38 PM

    amazing .. "Games" just explained that WGT doesn't control Adobe .. and then the very next few posters complain why WGT doesn't fix Flash .. <friggin' faceplam>

    .. Flash is a 3rd party software platform that WGT uses to run the game on .. WGT did not develop Flash; Adobe did .. 

    so .. heads up .. YOU have some housekeeping to do .. NOT wgt .. YOU can control the Flash version you use .. NOT wgt .. other reliable Flash versions ARE available .. other browsers ARE available .. none of these WGT does, or can, control .. only YOU can .. this is a WEB based platform .. NOT a game on a disk ..

    (light bulb)


    you are welcome .. 

    don't mention it ..

    it's ok, but now u know ..

    i know, don't beat urself up about it.. 

    no apologies needed .. really

    any time ..

    the pleasure is all ur's ..


  • aftertherain
    651 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2012 3:02 PM

    That is not the point Chris!  its that we are the customer and thay should take care of them dont you think? wehen something happens to the game wtg is responsible now did your light bulb go off yet lol


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