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New Tour Legend Tournaments

Wed, Apr 1 2020 9:53 AM (151 replies)
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2017 8:25 AM

     Ah those sweet 3 words. New Tour Legend. I'll never get to say those. The way my game is going I won't live long enough to see it. But I can be WGT's longest standing Legend. Kind of like my buddy G who was a master for a hundred years.

  • igolfdoyou1
    896 Posts
    Tue, Feb 14 2017 10:44 PM

    Thats a pretty strong assumption to believe people who shoot low scores are cheating;Maybe change what youre doing to improve your average.

  • catasia58
    3 Posts
    Thu, Feb 16 2017 11:34 AM

    Just a thought.. How do you make Legend (level100)  when you never play and when you do you play one round @45 (assume 9Hhole)  Another mystery round adding up your stats I get 2 9 hole rounds played. Your avg. is 108 and you use a starter sand wedge.

    Im new here so I dont see the point of a so-so Legend creating Tour Legend Tourneys.  I must be daft.  Must be all you do. Carry on oh wayward son...

  • catasia58
    3 Posts
    Thu, Feb 16 2017 11:44 AM

    Thats not right either. I know a player who has over 170 ranked rounds with an avg. 58 something and hes only a Tour Master?  My guess is buying credits on a weekly basis.

    Or Knowing tons of players.  Not much skill required there.

    260 Posts
    Thu, Feb 16 2017 1:13 PM

    Ya u tell em Pebbs..xxxx


  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Fri, Feb 17 2017 12:54 AM


    Thats not right either. I know a player who has over 170 ranked rounds with an avg. 58 something and hes only a Tour Master?  My guess is buying credits on a weekly basis.

    Or Knowing tons of players.  Not much skill required there.

    Surely, any multi or a restart (coughlikeyoucough) would know different than to come out with such daft theories ;-)

    Having a 58 avg and still being a TM means that they either:

    - didn't play enough rounds as a TM (50 minimum required, if they don't win much in RGs and don't beat higher tiers in MP)

    - not enough wins at TM tier in RGs or MPs

    - that avg can be false, winning top 5 (or so) spots in RGs and MPs against higher tiers will drastically and atificially lower your avg.


    Just a thought.. How do you make Legend (level100)  when you never play and when you do you play one round @45 (assume 9Hhole)

    if you're winning MPs against higher tiers, you can tier up to legend without a single ranked stroke round. It stops there though.


    Another mystery round adding up your stats I get 2 9 hole rounds played.

    If you're inactive for about 3 months or so, your previous scores will get deleted from score history. They will still be counted, just no longer visible. But if you're not inactive for that long, you should be able to see up to your last 200 posted scores.


  • 247thDustoff
    80 Posts
    Fri, Mar 3 2017 8:00 AM

    catasia58 , Check the players start date and also check to see how many alternate and match games they have played . I have a Legend buddy I play with ( MARCOANGELS ) , her average is 53.16 . She has played nearly 6000 alternate shot games and only 300 plus ranked rounds . The give away on players that have advanced so quickly is a relatively new start date ( Member Start Date ) and has purchased ( Level Up Boost ) bars to level up quickly and purchase top line equipment . However they must still put in the game play to increase  their ranked rounds in order to advance . That's my take on restart players and how they advance so quickly .


  • myaa12
    2 Posts
    Tue, Mar 14 2017 10:46 AM

    okay what you doing


  • RonnieCig
    50 Posts
    Mon, Mar 20 2017 3:05 AM


     However they must still put in the game play to increase  their ranked rounds in order to advance .


    That's not true at all. I have 141 ranked rounds, I usually play LOTS of practice rounds learning the games nuisances and some alternate games but play in very few tournaments. I got booted to TM when I only had 30 ranked rounds and then booted to legend with only about 110 ranked rounds (It supposedly takes 500 ranked rounds to reach TL, I'll reply back when they move me up, it'll be sooner than you think) . The kicker was I tiered up after winning back to back tourneys both times so WGT looks at who's winning what and moves them at their discretion. When I was tiered up I asked a couple of well-knowns (including the best player on WGT) to look into my stats to see why and both times their answers were "No way you should have moved up".

  • skccvb
    799 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 2:50 PM

    (It supposedly takes 500 ranked rounds to reach TL, I'll reply back when they move me up


    That will be when you record 500 ranked rounds as a Legend (no par 3's, 5's or custom courses) and your average is below 60, not a moment sooner :)